The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear is the mother of all emotions.
How many times have you felt yourself shrink, sometimes small enough to fit into some role? For example, YOU might have kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out. Perhaps you handed over your power to someone who didn’t have your best interests at heart. Have you told yourself, “I can’t? I’m not strong enough? I’m not courageous or confident enough? I’m not smart enough?
Every time fear wins, you lose. When you choose fear, you lose sight of your highest aspirations. You fall prey to being controlled by your history rather than rise to the future that you desire and deserve. It’s time to Face Your Fear. Step out of your fears, embrace your imperfections, and reclaim the confidence you need to accomplish all that you desire.
We are Running on an Old Paradigm and it’s Telling us That FEAR is:
• Built into our human operating system.
• A useful emotion that has gone seriously awry.
• Making us choose what we believe will keep us safe even when the opposite is true.
• Causing us believe that we can’t do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult.
• Disguising itself with the voice of certainty, filling us with worry, doubt, and even dread.
• A very real emotion that can render us powerless.
New Science Says Something Different and You Need to Hear It!
• Your brain is not pre-wired with emotional circuits.
• Emotions are created based on predictions from our previous experiences in life.
• The Mind takes in the new information from the body and our surroundings and tries to find a matching template whereby it can predict what happens next.
• Emotions are guesses and there are based on old misconceptions stored in our brain.
• Emotions are not hard wired … In fact, our brain creates our emotions based on our belief system.
A child is born. He brings with him certain characteristics and attitudes which cause him to interpret and react to the various events around him in unique ways. As time passes, he receives various messages from his environment through words, behavior towards himself and others. He then interprets these events and messages and creates a “conscious and subconscious belief system.” This belief system is like an iceberg, with only about one eighth “showing” or conscious.
Now his belief system becomes the looking glass through which he perceives the world. It is as if he is wearing colored glasses and everything is colored by his original beliefs or childhood conclusions. This perception distorts the current events so that they fit with what he already believes.
Our belief system also subconsciously communicates with others and life in general attracting to him the events which he expects. This causes him to interpret whatever happen to affirm what he already believes. Now he is then caught up in a vicious circle of beliefs – expectations – events and distorted perceptions.
For example, if you experienced rejection, abandonment or lack of love as a child, you will make the subconscious assumption that this is the way life is. Thus, you will, with your attitude and expectations, attract rejection from people who have no desire to reject you. They are energetically drawn to you and are responding to your subconscious messages. Then you interpret these and other actions (which may not contain rejection) as rejection. This creates your own subjective reality which confirms your original assumptions and expectations.
The problem, is more complicated because of the cyclic nature of the mind. It is similar to the chicken and the egg dilemma. The mind having been programmed by previous experiences, develops beliefs and expectations concerning the nature of reality. These beliefs then distort the nature of perception and the mind sees what it expects to see. It also connects with others and with life itself and attracts what it expects to see.
For example, a mind which has experienced danger, or rejection or abuse, will attract these events and behaviors from persons who are capable to responding to them in this way. Each mind connects with other minds according to its own expectations and previous programming’s. These programming’s have now become the subconscious belief system which creates that mind’s reality.
That same mind will also perceive danger, rejection or abuse in situations where for the objective observer they simply do not exist. The mind attracts what it expects and especially what it fears. It is also simultaneously distorting reality by perceiving what it expects and fears, even when they do not objectively exist.
Your PAST EXPERIENCES Have a Strong Hold
These subjective experiences serve to strengthen these negative or limiting realities. The basic conscious and subconscious beliefs and thought forms which created this reality, now become even more forceful and compelling. They will have even greater hold over the mind. The past experiences programmed into the mind a limiting belief system. Any new experiences serve to verify those beliefs which originally created the experiences. Therefore, the mind is not free to perceive an objective reality. The mind only creates a subjective reality distorted by its particular past experiences.
Look at it this way, if you have experienced failure or rejection or abandonment, you will attract these events. And you will perceive these events more often than they really exist. Your perceptions of the experiences will become even further entrenched in those beliefs. The goal is to enable the mind to free itself from this vicious circle of unconscious self-limitation and fear, allowing it to perceive a more objective reality.
Assuming ownership and responsibility of the challenges before you empowers you to shift from one emotional state to another. YOU can let go of pain and upset because you have defined it.
Become curious on your personal discovery journey by sourcing the root belief supporting the emotion. Reality test the supporting belief and examine the effect it has on your life. Make every effort to exert your authority over it making it your own.
By naming your feelings, you also claim the right to divest yourself of them at will. As you acknowledge your feelings aloud, gently remind yourself that being specific is an important part of exercising control.
Whatever the nature of your feelings, carefully define the reaction taking place within you. If you are afraid of a situation or intimidated by an individual, try not to mince words while giving voice to your anxiety. The precision with which you express yourself is indicative of your overall willingness to face your fear without flinching.
When you have moved past the apprehension associated with expressing your distressing feelings out loud, you will discover that you feel liberated and lightened. This is because the act of making a clear connection between your circumstances, your feelings and your beliefs unravels the mystery. It was only the mystery that previously kept you from being in complete control of your emotional state. To give voice to your feelings, you must necessarily let them go.
The emotion of fear colors our lives with varying palettes. Sometimes we feel a strong fear in reaction to something that has happened. Other times fear also visits us seemingly out of the blue, flooding us unexpectedly. Like the weather, our emotions come and go, influencing our mental state with their particular vibration.
Sometimes a difficult emotion hangs around longer than we would like, and we begin to wonder when it will release its hold on us. This is often true of fear, for example, or lingering anger over a past event.
Our fears can sometimes present a very challenging aspect of our lives. You may for example, experience intense fear without understanding precisely why. Consequently, you might find it difficult to identify the solutions that will soothe your distressed mind and heart.
Yet it is only when you are capable of naming your feelings that you can tame them by finding an appropriate resolution. You retake control of your personal power by becoming courageous enough to articulate, out loud and concisely, the essence of your fears.
Blessings and Love, Christina
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