Forgiveness in Three Easy Steps

CR: There are three major components of forgiveness. First, it helps to remember you’re dreaming that the separation from God is real and that is the cause of the problem.
One of the most profound changes in my thinking along my own path was the ultimate and profound experience of accepting the concept that the mind projects everything. Not only does it project everything is also observes its own projection from a seemingly different point of view. Then it interprets that perception as an external fact.
All my life I had assumed that my eyes saw the world, my body felt it, and my brain interpreted it. New physics no longer supports this.  When we begin to understand the world of Quantum physics, we know that there is nothing out there. It takes an observer to manifest those tiny quirks of energy into what looks to us as something material. But it’s not really real.
The truth is the mind tells the body what to see and feel and how to interpret what is being seen and felt. The body is not real. It’s a dream and within the dream is the egoic mind that is designed to convince us that our worldly life is the truth. Our task is to undo the ego.
The Holy Spirit forgiveness is the solution. Forgive both the projected images and self for dreaming them. Make a different choice to trust the Holy Spirit which lives within you as your higher self.
There are three steps for this process:
1. The cause should be identified. True forgiveness is done at the causation level.
2. Then let go by forgiving both the projected images and self for dreaming you are separate.
3. Hand it over to the Holy Spirit for true forgiveness on all levels.
The first two steps are up to you. Leave the third step to your higher self to undo the ego. It is this undoing the ego through the process of forgiveness that you realize you are one with God and Christ. You will also realize that the projected others are also you, so when you are forgiving them, you are really forgiving yourself. We are all one with God.
This forgiving of the projected others does not mean that you stay in the dream if you feel it is not healthy for you.
Remember they are dreaming too. You can refuse to participate in whatever they are projecting, with the knowing that they too are only dreaming. Forgive them and yourself and move on. Eventually, this will become your new programming and your “thinking process” and you will be awakening from the dream.
As for forgiveness in past lives, the truth is that because we live in a multidimensional universe and there is no time and space. All of what we dream or think of as past lives is also happening in a dream state right now, simultaneously on another dimension. It is still a dream. So, when you do the forgiveness work, the third step is left to the Holy Spirit and it will be forgiven on all levels and in all of our dream lifetimes.
It helps to remember that, “I am not this body, or this name, or this gender, or what I do. What I am is a holographic part of the Spirit of God. We are all simply dreaming so we can see our true selves. We are learning our lessons, make corrections, forgive our self and others and return to the oneness of pure joy, peace and happiness.
DS: We must take forgiveness away from the ego and place it in the hands of the higher self, the I AM, which is directly connected with GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Christ brought to our world the true meaning of forgiveness asking our father to forgive our trespasses, while we forgive those who trespass against us. When we say the words, I forgive myself and I forgive you; we reach the loving and cosmic capacity of our heart, the sacred heart.
It is within our heart that one experiences the deepest level of forgiveness, when he hears Christ’ words on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they do. Keep dreaming, doing your forgiveness work for each experience in your life and have fun.
There is nothing wrong with your dream if you understand it, forgive it and then release the dream to the Holy Spirit for forgiveness.
CR: The sacred heart is a deep place within each of us. A place that remains untouched by pain, a place where we are truly and deeply loved. I know that it’s hard to forgive whatever situation or person that is in my thoughts or in front of me and to forgive myself at the same time. Not only is it difficult sometimes, but it is also a lifelong path. It takes daily practice to remain in right mind thinking and to come to a place whereby instead of seeing the other person as guilty we learn to see us all as innocent.
When one really incorporates this into their being, one might really understand that there’s nobody out there but Christ, and God.  We will find with the help of the Holy Spirit within us, we are able to give the other person or situation the gift of forgiveness and innocence. It is key to remember that it is not in the doing, we have not actually done anything in this world; we are all innocent and we are all in the dream state. To give this gift of forgiveness to others is to make it yours.
… Love and Light Christina and Dimitrios
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