Give Yourself the Gift of Personal Peace

Posted: December 11, 2018 Author: Christina Reeves

We all deserve personal peace and we all have the ability to create this for ourselves and for others. We have the free will to perceive every behavior, situation or event as the perfect opportunity to fine-tune our perceptions of ourselves, others and life. Every event, every outcome, is an expression of love from the universe giving us an opportunity to use it to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for their ultimate purpose – discovering greater inner worth, security, freedom and fulfillment.

It is only our mind that creates the illusion of separateness, and the resulting fear and unhappiness. We are all expressions of one divine consciousness and perceiving others in this way can only improve our lives emotionally materially and spiritually. This evolution in perception will then lead to behaviors that are more beneficial for the whole; behaviors that allow us to approach others and seek common solutions that benefit us all.

Recommended Reading: The Mind is the Map, Riding our Emotions to Freedom (p 132)

Personal peace begins with each of us, it is an inside job! If we do not feel peaceful; we may want to ask ourselves: What is it within me that is preventing me from feeling personal peace? What thoughts and memories do I have that are obstacles to my personal peace? Is there some action I need to take? Someone I can help? Someone to forgive? What am I feeling grateful for?

Recommended ReadingThe Mind is the Map , Understanding our Patterns (p 15)

Each word we speak or write or even think has a life of its own. And it has a vibratory energetic signature that creates energy waves in the same way a note of music creates waves. If we are unconscious of the power of our words, we run the risk of creating an energy disturbance for us and
for others. When we are conscious of the energy behind our words, we become capable of making beautiful music in the world. When we remind ourselves that our words have an impact on ourselves and others and even the world at the level of energy, we may find within ourselves the desire to be more aware of our use of language.

Recommended Reading: The Mind is the Map, Creating a Solid Foundation  (p 28)

As we increase our sensitivity to the power of words it’s like learning to consciously play an instrument that we have been playing unconsciously for most of our lives, and the effect can be startling and delightful. As we grow more comfortable and confident playing the instrument of language, we will begin to compose beautiful messages, creating positive energy with every thought and every time we write or speak.

As we gather with our friends and family members this Holiday
Season, may we all make beautiful music together and may this peaceful music be heard and heralded around the globe bringing peace to all.

Happy Holidays …. Love and Light,  Christina


Recommended Reading: Chapter 2 LIFE FORCE ENERGY from or Book, The Mind is the Map

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