The Pain of Loneliness
We experience the pain loneliness when we feel cut off emotionally and energy-wise from others and life. It is a feeling of emptiness. We believe that if we are not accepted by others, and the pain of loneliness often seems unbearable to us. However, we are capable of overcoming this pain and finding wholeness within our true self.
The Difference Between Being Alone and Feeling Lonely
The truth is that feeling lonely has nothing to do with how many people are around us, but has to do with our ability to feel our connection to our self and others. Some of us have had the experience where we might have hundreds of people who love and admire us and yet we feel alone. Loneliness is an experience we inflict upon ourselves, it is our beliefs that create this reality.
The Source of Our Emptiness
Our emotional states are affected by the degree to which we think and act in harmony with inner selves and our ultimate destiny. Human nature is programmed to feel separation as painful and unity as pleasant. This wisely creates the stage for our evolution and movement towards a more loving reality.
Our inner emptiness is caused by our lack of contact with our higher nature within and true self. We long for connection to our true nature which is ultimately divine. Our true self is the one universal consciousness, which is also the true self of all other beings and of all creation. We will never solve the problem of our emptiness until we reunite with our true divine self.
Tips to Combat Loneliness
1. Understanding Your Beliefs
WE need to understand that it is never about “out there.” Our thoughts come from our beliefs, our emotions come from our thoughts, and we are the only one in our mind! We will not solve the problem by seeking outside of our self. Ask yourself: What do I believe about myself, others and life itself? Reality check these beliefs. A process known as self-discovery will aid you in understanding your beliefs and where they came from.
2. Drop your Needs, Attachments and Expectations.
In our discovery process, it is best to remain curious and non-judgmental, while taking the time to understand what our and needs and attachments are. WE need to STOP looking for our self where we are not! When we are attached to and need the others to be as we need them to be in order to feel safe, worthy and free, we are creating a feeling of separateness.
3. Learn to Express Your Feelings
Many of us simply lost the ability to know and express what we really feel and this becomes a major obstacle in our ability to feel connected with others. When cut off from our feelings, we are also cutting ourselves off from important parts of our being. When we are out of touch with what we really feel, we often find ourselves living our experiences with the wrong emotions, which confuse and create unnecessary conflicts both internally and externally. Pay attention to your feelings and give yourself permission to express them!
4. Experience the Opposite of Lonely
Even if we are living alone, we can cultivate a feeling of being united with all of humanity and all of creation. It does not matter whether those we connect to are physically near us, far away, or even passed on into the spiritual realms. We feel our connection with them wherever they might be and loneliness will seem like a phantom, something barely remembered. If we start to discover who we really are, every moment will be the opposite of lonely. Instead we will be absorbed in the essence of life, and nothing is more fascinating and rewarding that that!
…Love and Light, Christina
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