How to Grow Spiritually… What We Seek, We Already Are

Most people long to experience spiritual growth. We all want to live a more harmonious life in which they feel a sense of inner peace and contentment. But few are able to satisfy the basic needs of love and peace. Many live lives full of stress, conflict, worry, fear, anxiety and other negative emotions. This is not who we are. We are Spirit; the universal consciousness, which is one with God. There is a spark of Divine in each of us that is unchanging, omnipresent, all knowing. We all have the ability to live our lives in a state of bliss.
The Growth You Seek Comes from Within
Seeking is a word often applied to the spiritual path toward growth, and many people are proud to call themselves seekers. Many people claim to be a seeker. The question is, “A seeker of what?” Are you chasing after something? Perhaps you are looking for yourself where you are not! It is an easier task to seek and get money and material things than it is to seek to grow spirituality. By seeking spirituality, most will never find it. What actually defeats the thirst for a higher life is tied up in the act of seeking itself.
On my spiritual journey, I have met many people who have read a lot of books but are living lives which have nothing to do with what they know. There is a huge gap between what we know theoretically and how we live and experience life. This is an obstacle to spiritual growth.
Spiritual Growth Does Not Exist – It Is Us That Need to Grow to Align with Our Spiritual Self
All of us are in a state of evolution and growth. The Spirit is perfect, but is not in a state of evolution. It is us in our human form that is evolving. For example: we might compare this to a composer, who has fantastic abilities of composing music. He is trying to develop an instrument, sophisticated and flexible enough, to express the music he has in his mind. In the same way our spirit is watching as we go through the multitude of life’s experiences. We are the instruments for the creative expression of God on Earth. We need much development, purification and rectification until we are able to express the unlimited spiritual power without distortion. Our spirit watches us and as we grow, we become more refined and more capable of expressing the perfection of the spirit here on earth. As instruments, our hearts and minds must be developed so that we can experience unconditional love, unlimited universal knowledge and inner bliss.
It is better to eat slowly, and be able to digest and absorb what you eat, rather than to eat quickly. Without chewing or digesting the information related to our personal growth and development, your system is unable to reap the benefits. Productive seeking requires that one throw out all assumptions that there is a prize to be won. This means acting without an attachment to the outcome of rising to some ideal self. Stop hoping or wishing that you will get somewhere better than the place you are starting from. To grow spiritually, we will need to stop inhibiting the true beauty, power, love, wisdom and peace, which already exists with us to find the nature of the soul.
…Love and light, Christina