Life Force Energy … Creating a Solid Foundation

CR: A good strong foundation anchors our life force energy in the physical plane, it ensures our survival and the quality of the life we live. We thrive well with constancy and we function well with stability in our lives. When the foundation of our life is healthy; it expands and supports our life more fully. We can take on more responsibilities, be more creative and more playful. A healthy foundation is flexible, and at the same time enjoys the daily rhythms of life.
DS: This stability allows us to be more patient as our life unfolds; less reactive, less volatile to what is external to our being as we learn to accept life as it is. A strong foundation also helps us to maintain our spiritual connection when the winds of change blow in our lives. Without a strong foundation the irregularities and mishaps of life will blow us about and wreak havoc in our lives. Our Spirit will not survive well with constant change and we will be like a feather in the wind.
CR: Here are some of the attributes we can cultivate to building a strong foundation:
Patience is indicative of a strong and healthy foundation. If we are restless, constantly moving from place to place, job to job, or relationship to relationship; the foundation is both weak and undefined. It will not have strong boundaries to hold the life force energy. This will create restlessness and a constant desire for change. Patience is a defining quality of our foundation; it allows us to firmly and fully root ourselves into life. We can only be truly creative and happy when we are rooted in our own life.
Security is a quality regulates us and gives us a sense of well-being. It allows us to let down our guard, relax and recharge our energy. Security releases us from fear and worry about our survival. Ultimately it helps us create reserves of life force energy for going through challenging times. We need to experience security in order to feel protected. Security lets us thrive, and in doing so we come to know the truth and beauty of our spirit. Security helps us to remain focused on the good in our lives and lets us define healthy boundaries that provide a margin for comfort, ease and assurance.
Stability keeps us steady through change. It implies being balanced and having the ability to be flexible and to move with the flow of life. It stops us from becoming reactive or feeling threatened. Stability allows us to focus on our inner world. It supports our awareness and gives us a clear perception of the world around us. When we are stable, we know what is best for us, and how to re-adjust ourselves to remain steady and constant. Stability helps us to trust in life.
Structure permits us to create rhythm and routines which define our daily activity. It supports us in maintaining a foundation that will hold our gifts and talents so they can develop. Structure gives strength and purpose to our efforts. Structure is power.
DS: Organization is another building block. It is the ability to organize and administer our lives so we have a sense of control of the external factors that influence us. It suggests order in how we use our time, energy and resources for the highest good. We will want to eliminate waste and dissipation because they interfere with the flow of life.
CR: Yes, Dimitri, those who have given up on their dreams have difficulty manifesting what they need for their survival and often fall into despair. Others who administer their lives carefully and realistically have a strong healthy foundation and experience abundant vitality and joy in simply being.
May we all build and cultivate strong foundations for ourselves; ones that help us emerge victoriously in all aspects of life.
…… Blessings, Christina and Dimitri
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