Life NOT Working for YOU? … Time to Reset!

The Destiny of humanity is always about change. We must continue to evolve, grow and improve ourselves and the world around us until we become perfectly harmonious, beautiful and powerful beings. The force of evolution will never allow us to rest. When life is not working for you, you can ignore it for periods of time; but eventually life events and situations will force us to awaken and emerge from our slumber. There does come a time to Reset!
Your Perception is How YOU Create Reality
Stop peddling now! Change the way you see your life experiences. What we see is not in the data but how we perceive the data. No matter how overwhelmed, stressed, angry, or anxious we might feel during challenging moments, this is a call to action. You have within you an innate power to change the way you approach these challenges by simply shifting your thoughts.
If life is not showing up the way you hoped it might, you must learn to see things through a different perspective. Life fluctuates up and down because there is a lot of crossover when dealing with emotions and feeling levels. As you improve your self-knowledge and your communication skills you will reach new levels of understanding of yourself and others. You will be able to see your life with new respect and cultivate new ways of showing up for your life. Hit the reset button NOW! Begin by accepting where you are right now and embrace all your efforts to change your life.
Your Brain is NOT Hardwired with Negative Emotions
Starting from a young age we form our language, imagination, and creativity. This information comes from parents, school teachers, and others caregivers, and it shapes your core beliefs. Afterwards, these beliefs get stored as writings on your wall. When you are triggered by a new event, sometimes much later in life;they facilitate your automated programmed responses. By the time you are an adult, you have so much writing on your walls and many old wounds from unresolved experiences.
We all have this writing on our walls! We are all programmed by our brain biology to consult the writing for very experience we have in life. Many of our responses are automatically negative because they are running off old unresolved issues from our past. The mind perpetuates events that are not the best outcome and instead; serves only to reinforce our initial learning from a time long ago. We get caught in a habitual negative emotional event cycle often based on long forgotten past memories. These negative emotions build up a personality complex of their own, and sometimes grow out of control destroying our health and relationships.
Stop Recycling Your Patterns, Change Your Programming
Have you stopped growing? Do you prefer to remain in your old familiar situations – even if they are unpleasant and painful – rather than to change your life to one that holds the promise of greater happiness, peace and love?
Both the forming and the breaking of patterns is a lifelong learning practice. It is not helpful to criticize yourself, or to label your patterns. Instead, learn to accept and love yourself despite your faults, weaknesses, and habits. Mistakes are a powerful means for healing ourselves and our relationships with others. You can transform any feelings of isolation and loneliness, mistrust, misunderstandings, competition, antagonism and the whole series of health destroying emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, resentment etc.
The path to higher levels of understanding who we are requires us to discern the patterns that are shaping our lives. We are all souls in a process of evolution. We are all controlled by our ignorance and fear, which cause us to function in less than perfect ways. There is a huge shift in awareness happening right now. Some of us are seeking to improve our selves. Or some our health, relationships, economic situations, professional position, and life in general. Some of us might be practicing spiritual awareness, seeking to improve the same for specific others or society as a whole. Is it time to Shift your Life?
Forget About the Broken Yesterdays, Focus on Building Better Todays
We sometimes lose our power and create suffering for ourselves by focusing and reliving our past. Our broken yesterdays can feel very real as though they were reoccurring in the moment, causing us to react in a negative way. The truth is, it is better to see the triggers as gifts; ones that tell you volumes about yourself and how you can move forward to building better todays.
When you are triggered, it will feel like it is a pushback to some belief or attachment you have. Looked at from a different perspective it looks more like a golden nugget, an opportunity to go deeper into understanding yourself. Any fluctuations, high or low, in your life are never about something or someone out there—it is always an inside job.
Being attached to any result inner or outer experience, is a major source of anxiety, tension and conflict. This attachment also often acts as an obstacle to success. You need to learn to remain in your present moments at each stage of your effort and to accept your life situation as it is until you are able to change it.
Check Your Beliefs and Strengthen Your “Emotional Legs”
You will need to strengthen your “emotional legs”; to feel worthy and secure within yourself and your life and then proceed to make such changes. Sometimes we fail to understand that many people who we perceive as lazy, irresponsible or negative and even immoral have in fact two of their “emotional legs” broken. They may have seriously impaired emotional legs of “inner security” and feelings of “self-worth”.
Reality test your beliefs! One major life lesson is to free yourself from the beliefs that cause you to be dissatisfied with yourself and what you have. Sometimes when we are seeking to improve ourselves. We do it because we believe that we will be more worthy and more accepted and respected by others. Such a motive is based on the illusion that our self-worth depends on how others perceive us concerning self-worth, security, freedom and happiness etc.
Be Kind to Yourself and Others, YOU are always listening!
The insecurity and feelings of self-doubt sometimes cause us to behave in negative ways. We might have had our inner strength handicapped by unpleasant childhood experiences. You would do well to understand and love yourself even when you are not able to be who you would like to be. It is more helpful to focus on who you are becoming!
Become mindful of your inner critical voice, know that the voice is not who you really are! Reality test what it is saying to you. Be mindful, the voice is simply reading what is written on your wall and it is actually quite helpful. To initiate change you need to know what is written on the wall. Only when you know what is there can you erase ad replace those words with ones that are more empowering and beneficial for you.
Accepting yourself does not mean that you do not recognize and admit your mistakes and weakness, while you seek to improvement in your life. And accepting others does not mean that you do not assertively explain to them the types of behavior that you need from them.
Simply hold a sacred space for others and express what you feel are your needs, without sacrificing tenderness. Kindness is the key that unlocks the door of peaceable existence. If it is to be an affirmative force in your life, it must be tempered with wisdom and committed to the path of love.
……. Love and Light Christina
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