Live an Extraordinary Life

The difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life is only a matter of perspective. Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you can start.
Change can enter our lives silently and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift, we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner actually is helping out around the house more.
We may even wonder whether all of our hard work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. This doesn’t mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change—they do. It’s just that they are one small part of the picture that finally results in the softening of our hearts.
The gift of going through a phase is that it will pass and you will come out the other side.
Looking back over my own life, I recall a time in my life where I had been so caught up in “grown up” modality that I had forgotten how to have fun. I began reminiscing on what was fun for me as a child; remembering experiences that caused me to giggle and wriggle and burst into spontaneous laughter whereby I either wet my pants laughing or I couldn’t keep a straight face no matter how much I wanted to. I tried to spend a few moments with each memory, and really feel what it was like to be in those experiences – allowing that feeling of pure fun to wash over me. Amazingly, these feelings are still there living somewhere deep inside me.
The precious gift is that we all have the ability to call back these memories and to experience this happiness and joy again. It feels like the infectious laughter of a child watching the cartoon or movie for the umpteenth time. Having fun is essential for leading a happy and healthy life. We are often caught up in the serious affairs of life. But play is a way for us as adults to meld with the pure innocence and joy we once experienced as children. When we act with unabashed abandon, we are living solely in the present moment.
To NOT make a Decision…is a Decision!
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step!
I had decided to take ownership and responsibility for my life. Watching as others board the plane I wondered where are they going? I’m watching for telltale expressions on these unknown faces. How many of them are experiencing unexpected change? I have to stifle a smile as I wondered how many are looking at me with these same thoughts. The hardest thing about saying yes to change is the conflict that sparked within me.
It seemed, the various aspects of me were battling my decision to relinquish control of any structure, any particular outcome. Instead, they are being asked to accept and embrace everything life puts in front of me as of this moment. The mind chatter was revealing, fascinating and very loud. So much so I unconsciously glanced around me convinced others could hear it too. Apparently not, is was just me full of my perceptions of what I should do, what I can do verses what I can’t do, and what I’m afraid to do based on my “what if’s” and my “yes buts”.
Perhaps all this noise was because I was displaying an unusual act of leaping into my future without a handle on my present. It felt like a rebellion of sorts.  Whereby, if what I had been doing had not worked out very well for me then changing some aspects of my life and doing something different would produce an entirely different outcome.
Listen to the wind as it talks; Â to the silence as it speaks;Â to the heart as it knows.
I learned to tame my mind and to be still and allow the beauty of life to fill my heart with appreciation. In my quiet moment, I was able to feel my connection with the beauty of the Universe and so can you!
As you sit in the stillness, listen to the wisdom of your soul. Allow yourself to rest. The soul speaks to you in the quiet moments between your thoughts. Take a moment to purposefully connect to your Higher Self. It is the part of you that is always connected with Source; filled with love, compassion and wisdom. This is who you are in your purest form of light. Feel your life force energy, know that a beginning or an end is just a concept seeded into your mind by society. YOU are Constant, Infinite Energy and Energy never ends. It TRANSFORMS.
The brain is an organ, it cannot distinguish your reality from your imagination. We are the masters of our own lives, our realities, and the universe offers us what we ask of it. Attention energizes and intention transforms. Therefore, as we place our attention on what it is that we want, we set our intentions to orchestrate everything in our lives to help us achieve our goals.
What you imagine will change your vibrational energetic footprint and it is this vibration that calls forth the law of attraction into motion. As you become receptive in this way, the universe conspires to support your every step. It has the potential to show you the beauty of who you are… and the opportunities for change. Indeed, there is wisdom is in what you choose to see. For example, the past is where you learned the lesson, the future is where you apply the lesson.
If you have been Courting Your Drama it is time to Break Up!
To live an extraordinary life, you must let go of the drama. Become your best friend, someone who knows the song in your heart. Sing this song to yourself often, even if you have forgotten the words. Use your voice to create beauty around you and that shall become your life. Everything about you and your life is holy and sacred. Even the challenging experiences, the people and things of the past serve as the catalyst for greater expansion to occur. Your destiny is to live a self-approved life in harmony with the Universe. This is how you live an extraordinary life. Stand in your power, claim your Divine birthright and ACT on your faith – every day.
…. Blessings and love, Christina
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