Our Responsibility is our Response-ability
Following the law of least effort, as nature teaches us, we will learn to accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. We will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. Our acceptance of what is becomes total and complete as it is in the moment, not as we wish they were.
Accepting things and others as they are, we can learn to take responsibility for all of our experiences and even for all those we see as problems. Our responsibility is our response-ability. Taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for our situation, for our feelings, for the attachment or the expected outcome we have (and this includes our self). Every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows us to take each experience in each present moment and transform it into a greater benefit.
The first is learning to diminish the strength of our needs so that they are transformed from attachments to preferences. Realize all that is within you and seduce ALL and everything with your inner beauty since everything that the UNIVERSE needs is in you. When you know your self-worth and SEE it, you can fight for all that is deserved no matter how difficult or challenging it may seem to others; just do it! Don’t put on a disguise or change for other’s satisfactions or desires and do not give permission to anyone to rule your kingdom.
…. Light and love, Christina