Forgiveness in Three Easy Steps

CR: There are three major components of forgiveness. First, it helps to remember you’re dreaming that the separation from God is real and that is the [See the full post…


…the golden goose. CONSEQUENTIAL THINKING There comes a time in our life when we become more ripened to the real meaning of life and less attached to our wants and…

Our Responsibility is our Response-ability

…a greater benefit. The first is learning to diminish the strength of our needs so that they are transformed from attachments to preferences. Realize all that is within you and…

The Brain Is Not Hard Wired

…like a computer, it examines the new data, performs a comparison to what is stored in your database. And based on where your thoughts and focus goes, it discerns what…

A Dialogue Between the Mind and Heart

…is Awareness and understanding that interplay between the mind and heart. Learning to shift our attention from the mind’s programming that creates frequencies of lower energy to the heart’s higher…

What Values are Most Important to You?

…chime in and list a few values that are most important to them. It could be family, freedom, love, charity, community, or something else. This will help those who haven’t…

Why am I Making Limited Decisions?

Learning to identify and work with these habitual patterns is the key to transforming our lives. Acknowledging that sometimes our past responses did not work very well for us, we…

A Heart that is Loving is the Purest Wisdom

…hatred, by cultivating their counter forces, like love and compassion.” Learning to love all people – not just our children, partners and friends– is a giant step in our evolutionary…


…are about us instead of them.   5. Make them feel safe enough to fail. When people are learning, growing, or going through grief or transition, they are bound to…