Discovering Myself

…a whisper coming from his heart. He asked with all the compassion he was capable of, “Heart, what are you afraid of?” The heart whispered back, “You. I’m afraid of…

Living Our Powerful Potential

And perhaps this one thing, one force, or someone, is not always bad or dangerous; it is simply that life often demands that we face things in order to transform…….


Only a person who has passed through the gates of Humility can ascend to the heights of Spirit. -Rudolf Steiner Humility is a refusal of excessiveness. Humility allows me to…

Life Force Energy

all things. Our thoughts are energy and give rise to our emotions, which in turn are simply energy in motion like invisible clouds hovering above and around our physical body….

Learning to Love Yourself

come together, as humanity, created and chosen this life and our experiences as an opportunity to take our next step towards spiritual freedom from fear. Creating a deeper connection with…

Re-Awakening to a New Reality

…“things simply happen in our lives,” or that we just feel “this way” or “that way.” Few of us investigate how our reality is created. Our behaviors come from complicated…

Life Force Energy

…which in turn are simply energy in motion like invisible clouds hovering above and around our physical body. High frequency emotions, such as love and joy, are bright, while lower…

Connect to the Amazing Power of Divine Love

…love flowing, making daily deposits of giving and receiving with enthusiasm and fascination. Enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “entheos” and it means the God within. Enthusiasm represents the amount…