Re-Awakening to a New Reality

Most of us would like a happier, healthier, more harmonious reality. In order to improve our reality, we must understand the mechanisms of its creation. Most of us feel that “things simply happen in our lives,” or that we just feel “this way” or “that way.” Few of us investigate how our reality is created. Our behaviors come from complicated belief structures. Reality is different for each one of us, but how we perceive reality is how we create reality. Although it is difficult to define what is truth for us, we need to keep examining our beliefs and assumptions towards the intended outcome.
DS: Christina, how do we create our reality?
CR: WE Create Our Own Reality based on the Writing on Our Wall. Our reality is constructed of two basic factors:
- What is happening or has happened.
- What we believe, and consequently how we feel about ourselves, in relation to what has happened, is happening or will happen.
It is our belief system, or programming, which creates our subjective perception of reality, while it is our past experiences that sets the writing on our walls. This writing is responsible for our conditioned habitual patterns.
DS: My understanding of the writing in our wall is that of a set of guidelines and strategies adopted for getting through life, a belief system or programming of past experiences that is responsible for our conditioned habitual patterns.
CR: Yes Dimitri, the writing in our wall, is within our subconscious mind and in fact, if we reality it, often we will find, it is not something we even believe. Some of these guidelines are even childhood survival skills and many of them are fictions.
Some people don’t want to revisit their experiences and perhaps a deeper reason is that they really don’t want others to understand them completely, seemingly wanting to be invisible and to go through life unknown to themselves or others.
They may truly feel that this blindness provides them safety and freedom.
DS: So how did this writing get there? Who wrote on my wall?
CR: They are hand me down beliefs that were written on our walls by well-meaning others and we have been dutifully obeying them ever since. They are past experiences, assumptions and expectations, character traits, education, childhood conclusions, self-concept, culture and preconceived notions. It’s important to remember that those that wrote on our walls as children did no unwittingly, they were also programmed by others in a different era. So, there is no shame, blame or judgment associated with the others.
DS: So, how do we become aware of our mind’s subconscious programming that could be limiting our choices and decisions.
CR: These are hidden beliefs and conclusions we came to as a child. Often, we only become aware of our patterns when someone else “pushes our buttons. In order to fully understand what is written on our walls and transform our thoughts, requires a process known as self-discovery.
DS: What happens when we begin the journey of self-discovery?
CR: Once we begin the journey of self-discovery, we never turn back. We cannot “unknow” something we have discovered. We embark on a mission to find our authentic self and create a new map of our mind. The previous programming of the mind becomes obsolete and soon we begin to open the door to our destiny.
Here are five questions that we can ask ourselves:
- What defines me?
- Who am I?
- Am I, the sum total of my beliefs, conclusions, or a reflection of my needs, wants, and reactions?
- Am I, an image of a personality developed over the years through a web of old beliefs, thoughts, and emotions stored in a memory bank. Or Am I, a universal creation of new ideas, hopes, and dreams?
- What is my purpose in life?
Asking these types of questions, allows us to re-awaken to our birthright as a true genius. It transcends any fears and illusions surrounding the stories we have been telling ourselves. We are now able to reconnect with our true mission and purpose for life.
….Love and Blessings, Christina and Dimitri
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