
Friends it’s cold outside but the fire in my heart is warm with wonderful memories of this year that is passing. It is a time to slow down and take solitude in our dwellings by the fire and pass our time in peaceful reflection.
Through the curious and wondrous process of self-discovery, we often stumble beautifully into the spaces between our thoughts and our suffering.
Living in Awareness challenges us to see everything from a higher perspective, discovering the truth that holds us all, daring us to mix the elements of world through our hearts and minds making all things visible. All of us are here to help unravel each other and to make our way back to love through the mirror of life.
Life itself holds the mirror of our experiences in front of us to reflect our choices; may we see the reflection of spiritual knowledge in our consciousness that encourages freedom and asks us to be as one with all that exists in our world. We can develop and strengthen the foundation of our lives, and this begins within ourselves. We can become champions of unconditional love and freedom from oppression of all varieties and we can be a source of healing to the planet and all those around us.
Take some time to reflect upon the foundation of your life. Reflect on an area in your life you are challenged with and perhaps even take a moment to reflect on your comfort level. May we all use this season of slumber to cleanse ourselves emotionally and to grow spiritually and may we emerge from winter renewed, rejuvenated and fresh like the spring flowers.
…. Love and Light, Christina
Recommended Reading:Â Chapter 12, Creating Our New Story, of our book, The Mind is the Map
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