“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.” -Joel Olsen
There is Writing on Your Wall
Our mind is a wonderful tool for thinking, but it also has a vulnerable area known us as the inner critic. Your inner critic gets its voice from something we call the writing on our walls. This writing is from your early childhood experiences. This is true for everyone! You must remember that those who wrote on your wall have also have been programmed down through generations. The others are only able to share with you what they believe, even if they are not your truths. Therefore, there is no Shame of Blame here!
Many of our previous childhood experiences are the roots of our pain and insecurities. They often create feelings of fear, threatening our peace and happiness. Or we feel inadequate, and this social anxiety influences our relationships, quality of life, work, effectiveness and well-being.
Any emotions you had at the time of the event, including any childhood conclusions you came to, are bundled and stored with your original memory of the experience. The mind consults the writing on your walls for every single experience you have in life. The mind looks for a matching template from long ago and you respond to life habitually based on these false past messages, and often without your awareness.
Using a process of self-discovery, you can learn to understand where your insecurities come from. You can bring healing, peace and wholeness to old wounds and create an amazing life. Reflect back on your life with a sense of curiosity and wonder. No Judgment!
For example, we found that looking at data for thousands of students, that teachers who understand the value of security and emotional intelligence will motivate their students positively and make it much easier for them, to adjust new life’s situations.
In other cases, our school environments are responsible for many roots of our insecurity. Looking at your own personal experiences, you may recall a few caregivers or teachers, who wrote on your wall by projecting their own insecurities and low self-esteem onto you. These emotions have a great impact on your life even years later.
Living a life of complete wholeness requires that you find the source of your insecurity. You need to transform those earlier limited beliefs so you can uncover your true potential. The choice we all face is whether we are taking our insecurities to our head or to our heart. Our heart has the courage to overcome all early wounds. This one action allows us the freedom to face an issue, despite any insecurity fears and doubts we may have.
Here are Some Processes for Transforming Insecurity, and Living Life as an Adventure
Life is eternally flowing in a series of unplanned events challenges and excitement and while the outcome of many events turns to your favor there are others that don’t unfold as you expected. What do you do then?
Do you continue to live life as an adventure and allow your soul to shine to life’s eternal beauty or do you begin to act like an oyster that closes itself to protect its pearl?
Security is Mostly a Superstition.
Security is only a superstition; you must keep moving on your mission and keep dancing with the Universe. Inside the Garden of Eden, we learned that security existed only in Paradise. Adam and Eve lived in a state of unconsciousness without any passion, just enjoyment of paradisiac pleasures. Then one day, Eve was awakened to divine nature, offering all of us the fruits of consciousness.
Life is a Marvelous Journey
Each time external events cause you fear or discomfort, refuse to shut down the gate to life’s beauty, neither move into security shelters, instead focus your energy to move into life’s marvelous journey. All of your pain, bitterness, anger, shame and guilt have to do with memories – even if those memories are about yesterday or this morning. If your memory was erased, you would not have any of those emotions. You have experienced them because you are allowing something that you are remembering (consciously or subconsciously) to stimulate those feelings. Without a past, there can be no pain, anger or guilt.
Transcend the Mind to Find Happiness
The truth is that lasting happiness will be achieved only when the mind itself has let go of its need to find external sources of safety, self-worth, freedom or fulfillment, or happiness. Otherwise you will live in fear, pain, anger, guilt and disappointment, until you begin to believe in and eventually experience all of these within you. When you feel safe within yourself and love yourself, you will be much happier and much more pleasant to be with. In reality you will find happiness when the mind is transcended and you experience the peace and that bliss that are beyond the mind.
The Meaning of Life is to Give Life Our Own Meaning
When sailing the seas of life, you will find there are situations that are not to your liking. You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust the sails. It is a rite of passage that allows you to experience a higher level of energy and awareness. With every positive change, you ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution. Sometimes, you must go through a time of discomfort during the period of initiation. You will find serenity on the sea of life when you learn to row your own boat.
Eliminate the need for securities, break down the emotional prison walls and allow your heart’s courage and determination to embrace all possibilities. Keep searching for life’s beauty and grace by creating the willingness to always move ahead, choosing the door to destiny.
Shine your bright light upon your self and others by sending beacons of HOPE, GOODNESS AND LOVE.
…. Dimitrios and Christina
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