Set Your RAS… “Tune In” to Your Antenna

“The way to do whatever you want to do already exists. You just need to tune into it.”
If you are going to change your habits and your beliefs, you’re going to have to do it where they reside, in the subconscious mind. Until we relay the order to our subconscious mind, nothing will happen. Setting goals is a conscious exercise; achieving goals is a subconscious exercise. So, why do we set goals and don’t reach them? It is because 95% of all your behaviors and perceptions are automatic, and you need to tune in!
“The Antenna” is my metaphorical name for the part of our brains called the Reticular Formation, sometimes known as the RAS. It is a marble sized piece of “grey matter” that is responsible for filtering the massive amount of sensory input. It has a way of bringing to our awareness only that part which we deem important. This antenna is a gift that we usually take for granted. Fortunately, the appropriate use of affirmations, goals and daydreaming serves to orient our Antenna so that we begin to “tune in.”
The Antenna is REALLY important as a “Manifestation” tool
It finds for you the way to accomplish your new goal. This is critically important for those who won’t pursue a goal unless they have first figured out “how” to do it. In fact, that’s actually doing it backwards. Creating the reality through affirmations & daydreaming (imagination) automatically invokes the Antenna which, in turn, it finds the “how” for you. This is a fascinating ability all of us have. Wow, that sounds like a complicated topic, right?
Well, it’s actually something I think will help you understand how your mind works so you can believe how powerful you are as a creator. I know for myself personally, if I can understand how something works, I am more likely to believe it’s true or will come true. For example, I have always wanted to know EXACTLY how it is that we can create what it is we want in our life. I found some great answers I want to share with you.
A GIFT We Usually Take for Granted.
Our Antenna has a unique way of bringing to our attention only that which is deemed important in that moment. Therefore, it is important that you are really, really clear about what you want! Setting goals is a function of the conscious mind; achieving them and reaching them is a function of the unconscious mind. If the beliefs you presently have are not serving you, how do you change them? How do you adopt new beliefs?
You could try to use your willpower and simple DECIDE to have new beliefs. That may work for a while, but conscious thoughts are hard to sustain. If you are going to change your habits and your beliefs, you’re going to have to do it where they reside, in the subconscious mind.
Until we relay the order to our subconscious mind, nothing will happen. Once again, setting goals is a conscious exercise; achieving goals is a subconscious exercise. We need to become experts in using both parts of our brains in order to achieve our goals and most of us have not been taught to use both parts of our brain.
Let me explain, we have countless sensory inputs that are constantly intruding on us. All kinds of sights and sounds and internal body sensations are constantly knocking on the door of our senses. I read where some psychologists estimate it as being 2 million sensory inputs per second.
If your brain had to pay attention to 2 million bits of input every second, you’d go bananas, wouldn’t you? So, your brain has a way of saying, “That stuff isn’t important. I’m going to zero in on what is important and leave the rest alone.” That piece of the brain is called the reticular formation. (antenna)
Your Beliefs Determine the Way You See the World
By the time we are adults, we have a set of beliefs that determines the way we see the world and our place in it. Or is it? Scientists have found that your brain is exceptionally good at creating new neural pathways, no matter what your age. Every time you have a thought, your mind checks the writing on your walls. Your brain begins looking for a template based on past experiences making the neural connections. If we don’t change this, we will continue to go through life with the same beliefs and patterns we have always had. However, with new Energy Psychology techniques, we can override what is already stored in our brain and create new thought patterns.
The reticular activation system (RAS) is a network of nerve pathways at the base of your brain that acts as a filter for all the sensory input your brain draws from your external world. Anything you see, hear, feel or taste passes through this fine network. It sorts through all the information you are exposed to and searches for those bits of information that best match the information patterns that already exist in your brain, the stuff that’s written on your walls. It then alerts your conscious brain that something important is going on.
Remove the Blocks to Manifesting Your Goals
Left untended and unchallenged, these pathways can completely block your path to your goals. Once you learn how they operate, you can achieve anything.
The first of these two functions are something that stands as a guard at the door of your mind. You do not see with your eyes; you see with your brain. Second, what your conscious brain sees is not what your subconscious brains sees. The brain processes over 40 million bits of information every second, yet we are only aware of only 2000. So, what determines the bits we see and which ones we skip over?” That decision is made 100% of the time, all the time, by the reticular activation system.
This is the most important and wonderful thing about the reticular activation system. It works very much like Google. Just like Google, you can enter what search string you want it to look for. When you program a specific idea or a goal into your reticular activation system, no matter whether you’re asleep or awake, thinking about it or not, the reticular activation system will do its job. It will sift through the entire ocean of information swirling about you at all times to find precisely what you’ve told it to find. It is capable of picking out that ONE BIT of crucial data for your awareness while editing out the other billions of bits of information that are irrelevant to your needs. The path becomes clear and clearing the blocks helps you achieve your goals!
… Love and Light, Christina
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