In order to make crucial decisions about what to do with our time, energy, creativity, material resources and our lives, we need to answer some very basic questions. Otherwise we are simply programmed robots, living and reacting (rather than acting) according to our familial and social programming.
As Socrates said, “A life without enquiry is not worth living.” A true scientist or searcher of the truth seeks continuously to uncover ever deeper answers in an endless attempt to explain the phenomena of this dimension of time, space, matter and energy. A seeker of what’s true seeks to free himself from illusions of the surface events and discover, not only the cause, but even more importantly, the purpose behind them. We are all scientists and seekers of truth. Some of us have simply fallen asleep at the job.
Are we controlled by our brains, DNA and childhood programming?
- If we are trapped in our brains, DNA and the results of our childhood experiences, then is there any reason to make any effort to change or improve ourselves?
- If I can only understand what my brain dictates, they what can account for the evolution of knowledge?
- If we are the result of some chance chemical reaction, then is there any reason ask any questions?
Can we affect the direction of our lives?
- Can we alter the functioning of our DNA?
- Can we get free from Childhood programming?
- Are we able to affect our bodies and minds with our thoughts?
- Are we able to affect our future and efforts with our thoughts?
- Can we affect the world around us with our thoughts?
- Can we help others with our thoughts and intentions?
How does Placebo Work?
If our brain and not our mind is creating reality, how is it that when a person believes that a substance or procedure is helping him, he gets well even when that substance or procedure has no therapeutic elements (Such a sugar pill or fake operation or fake acupuncture.) These are not affecting the brain. They are affecting the mind. See the very impressive story of Dr. Bruno Klopfer and Mr. Wright exhibiting both “placebo” and “nocebo” where Mr. Wright creates both healing and illness by his beliefs.
If the mind is limited to the brain how is it that according to the new science of epigenetics, that the functioning of our DNA can change due to environmental changes including our thoughts and emotions.
How is it that studies in epigenetics now show that changes in the environment, emotions and beliefs can change the functioning of our DNA?
The current perception based on “new science” is that although consciousness / mind expresses itself through the brain, it is not created by the brain and it is not limited to it and can have non-local activity and affect on the world.
In the last decade epigenetics research has shown that our DNA that we inherit is not determined totally by our birth. Our genes are not our fate! Environmental factors such as food, anxiety and emotions can alter the data in our genes without changing their basic structure. Some of those changes can be passed on to our offspring. We are the managers of our biology. We have the ability to alter the functioning of our biology and thus our fate.
“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness…” This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal decisions and to affection for a few persons nearest us… “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein, Nobel physicist 1879-1955
Our ability to change the functioning of our DNA – epigenetics. Of course our mind and consciousness are affected by our brain and its various centers which when stimulated by chemicals, hormones, DNA functioning, heat, cold, chemicals in the air or electronic stimulation create various mental and emotional states. This is obvious and cannot be refuted. But that does not mean that the brain is the cause of consciousness. It simply means that when consciousness is expressing itself through the brain that it is affected by the brain.
Imagine that you have a car and you get into it. You exist before you get into the car. While in the car you are very much limited by and affected by the car, its abilities, its problems, its movement, temperature, smoke, fumes, heavy vibrations, electrical problems of the car etc. You are very much affected by your car, when you are in it.
Because you have a cell phone your action is not limited to the car. You can have an effect at a distance. Because you are not your car, when you get out, you continue to exist. There is no proof that you do not exist when you get out of your car and 95 % of the people believe that you do exist. All major religions and great thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras all agree that you do continue to exist when you get out of the car.
So for me, we as consciousness exist before entering the body and are very much affected by the state of the body and brain while in it.
How we think can change how the brain, body and even DNA function and also our intentions and will power can change the functioning of the brain, DNA and body. We can also affect the people, events and world around us. We do have free will to change the direction of our car. Otherwise life does not have much meaning.
Our “car” may have very much movement (mass x speed) toward a specific event because of our DNA and childhood experiences. But we can get a hold of the wheel and by changing how we think and act change where the car is going.
Because the state of the body and brain very much affect how we feel and think, it is extremely important to care for the body and brain with proper food, daily exercise, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, getting enough rest and positive thinking on order to avoid possible negative effects of a malfunctioning body and / or brain on our emotions and thoughts.
Moving forward, we don’t have to lie to our self and tell our self that we have this amazing mind/body. All you have to say is I’m healthy. In that statement, you express gratitude and you express that you grateful for your strength. Becoming limitless means seeing the endless potential of perspectives. We simply learn to live a healthier life style and integrate the concepts that progress towards a successful and ultimately a longer and healthier life.
…. Blessings and Love, Christina