
Most important in this awakening is what James Redfield called the First Insight: our developing perception in our lives of meaningful coincidences, a phenomenon Swiss psychologist Carl Jung called “synchronicity.” Such moments always seem to bring us new information or a sudden opportunity. When we review these moments deeply, it always seems to be beyond chance, as though the events were somehow destined to occur in our lives. Biographies are full of such events.
My favorite example occurred in the life of Abraham Lincoln. As a young man, he wanted very much to enter law and politics, yet at first it seemed he had no opportunity to pursue this vision in the small farm village of his youth. Then one day, a peddler down on his luck offered to sell the young Abe an old barrel of dry goods for a dollar. Something told him to take the deal and at the bottom of the container he found a full set of current law books. He studied these books and went on to complete his remarkable destiny.
Such events, when they happen to us personally, always give us a sense of unfolding purpose and inject in our lives the sense that we are helped and guided. What’s more, we are understanding now that this flow of destiny is always there, whether experienced for the first time or rediscovered after being sucked back into the banal life of everyday struggle for a time. Age has no relevance here. The key is to grab hold of this awareness and not let go. You have a destiny that is divinely intended and reflected in your sense of what most inspires you, and it is always waiting to open up in your life.
Much love and light…..Christina Reeves