The Call for Change is Ever Present in the Evolutionary Process.

Dimitrios Spanos: Of course, we need only look at ancient history to see that the evolutionary process is always a call for change. Walking in the ancient Greek Agora allowed me to feel the essence of past times. I envisioned, the old Athenians interacting and conducting business. I imagined, listening to the words of great philosophers speaking. For example, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle speaking about the mind and the heart. And of course, Pericles addressing his fellow Athenians asking them to respect each other. And I pondered on the great works of Homer while remembering the Sappho’s poetry.
Birthing the Concept of Democracy
In ancient Athens, the Agora was an open area serving as a meeting place for its citizens. Located in the middle of the city, the agora was not only a place of trading. It was also a center of philosophical, political and justice matters. Over two and half thousand years ago. the Athenians gathered at the agora to give birth to the concept of democracy and unity, undoubtedly seeking higher levels of consciousness.
In my view, they examined their beliefs, values and virtues. Their beautiful souls harmonized with insightful concepts to create new standards. And just like Phidias, who created the Parthenon reliefs, they developed the capacity of seeing the spiritual within the material. The fact is, the great Athenian philosophers Socrates, Plato and others gave certainly guided us to a higher Universal consciousness. The great Aristotle used the word Eudaimonia to describe happiness, a state of happiness we can reach by using our Eudaemon spirit of good will.
Moment of Reflection
Looking back, I wonder, what was it that brought the Ancient Greek way of higher level of consciousness to an end? What caused us to lose such levels of higher thinking? The truth is, we have ignored the wisest command ever given by Socrates; the famous “Know Thyself” inscribed in the temple of Delphi. It appears that in present time, we have stopped truly examining ourselves. Instead, we live in a state of separation that has permeated our current world culture.
I believe, Agora’s message to the world is simple. Our thinking has to be oriented to truth, our feeling towards the beautiful and our actions towards the good. What’s required is a genuine resolution of opposites, inviting contemplation on these questions. In my opinion, finding answers to many troublesome issues requires our capacity of letting our mind reconcile with our heart. In doing so, we can remove all the barriers of misunderstanding that separate us from others and find harmony and peace to all.
Transitioning Back to a Spirit of Oneness
Christina Reeves: Yes Dimitri, in fact, a big part of the spiritual path is the continuance to evolve to a greater sense of awareness. Just as nature evolves though the seasons of growth, we too need to continue to grow ourselves. We need to be able to hold a loving space for others and for society as a whole as we evolve as a collective species. It seems to me, that it’s time to make more of an effort towards transitioning humanity to a spirit of unity. Even though, we can ignore it for periods of time, sooner or later the world events will force us to awaken; to accept change and embrace oneness.
I agree, Ancient Greece was indeed a catalyst to higher levels of consciousness, wisdom and awareness. Most certainly, Greece introduced to the world higher levels of thinking. However, I also feel that the loss of higher levels of consciousness is more complex today and is rooted on a Global scale, no longer limited to any one country of culture.
Living in a State of Separation
It seems likely to me, that separateness among humanity began with the agricultural revolution. This was a period of time where land was divided and class distinctions were born. Landowners paid non-landowners to work for them; which lead to the great divide among people. Then came a division of properties and boarders. For this reason, the shift to individual nations occurred as they began to think of themselves as Greeks, Americans, English. In addition to all of this, a time came the widened the gap between the wealthy and the poor.
Although, over the next twenty-five generations human consciousness expanded rapidly, but it did so within the borders of separation. Even though, each nation was in an ever-evolving process, the citizens of each nation created their own realities. These learned cultural behaviors were then passed to each subsequent generation. Thus, entire nations were built upon the very foundation of separateness. As a result, Humanity began to separate as countless of new nations were founded. Each one, reflecting their own cultures and values, which often conflicted with the virtues and values of others.
Does History Inform Us?
A higher-level view, from the great philosophers of days gone by, revealed that history is filled with encounters in which all people interacted with all that is, in an ever-changing environment. Humanity continuously reinvents itself as we journey both on individual levels and in a collective historical sense. In fact, interacting with others in an evolving process and it is the very definition of human history.
However, the truth is, that despite what history was attempting to teach us, the separation still exists today. Today, citizens are still separated by way of class distinction. Countries are separated by borders, and still more separation is happening as new countries are still being formed. Of course, there is tension between nations and even separations within nations as they clash between cultures and religion. The call for patriotism, each for their nation, based on their collective beliefs is still very strong. Thus, there exists a clear divide between “we” and “them”.
We Are the Generation of Great Change
Clearly, we need to become conscious of the evolution taking place right now. It is equally important, that we need to penetrate a new world view. Of course, to do that, we need to remember the essence of who we are. Undoubtedly, it is our actions that will determine who we will become as a collective humanity.
There is a huge awakening happening now. The urge to be more, to know more, to reach out and touch others. It feels like a great trumpet announcing the time for change is upon us. Indeed, we have been given an invitation to lead change within our families, our communities, our countries and our world. It’s time to activate our genius and to find and live our life purpose. The world needs the kind of leadership that inspires each of us to become more. The time has come to raise the bar and step up with faith, passion, positive intention and courage. We all have the ability to act as agents for change.
As beings in the process of evolution, we are on the threshold of co-creating a new world. We are learning to attune to the deeper patterns of our historic past. Collectively, we are feeling a push-back, one that is guiding us to bring greater Peace and Unity into our world. Now is the time to unite, to step courageously into the roles we signed up for. May we all truly fulfill our destiny as co-creators in the Divine process of evolution.
….. Love and Light, Christina and Dimitri
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