Eudaimonia Center Workshop Member Forum

At Eudaimonia Center we share the liberating wisdom of an approach that we both use in our personal daily practices, along with tools for putting it to work in your own lives. We offer our many years of experience in the field of human potential with ideas and insights into how you can expand your Awareness to become more conscious using two systems we have created—The Mind is the Map and what we call the “Writing on Our Walls.”
We will guide you toward your personal self-discovery process and explain how these discoveries affect your life experiences. You will learn to use new tools that can empower you to lead fulfilling personal and professional lives.
This community forum is for you to reach out to others who are taking our courses helping you become more inspired. To share your experience with others and of course to connect to our team. It is our hope that as you moved through our courses and integrate the processes outlined in the lessons, that your hearts open wider than they may have ever done before, allowing you more clarity about your purpose in life.
Whatever path lay before us on our journey—whatever puzzles we must take apart and put back together—the secret of life has to do with the awakening and freeing of what has been unseen and asleep.
It is so for the history of all of humanity and it is the humbling story of accepting our own unique life as it is revealed; a collective story of humanity, an individual story, and one that requires our full attention. It is one of sweet compassion; a never-ending story of how we embrace each other, and forgive ourselves, as we find our place in the Oneness of all that is.
It is important that we all continue to embrace attitudes of hope, faith, cooperation, compassion and equanimity. Through our balanced self-mastery, we as individuals and as a collective society have the ability to create the most loving, peaceful, and conscious new world ever imagined.
Thank you for joining us here in the Workshop Community Forum.
Christina and Dimitri
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