The Most Direct Path to Fulfillment

Through the consciousness of selflessness we realize, perhaps for the first time as a species, that it is our responsibility to proactively participate in this realignment. Many of us no longer accept our society and it’s ills as a given; and many are becoming proactive, social co-creators and the social potential movement is awakening.
As we gain deeper alignment with the patterns of creation, we sadly see a world that is out of alignment. We see systems are breaking down, causing misery, alienation and violence all around us. This seeming breakdown might be a natural process from the point of view that we are undergoing a birth process…The birth of Venus. Just as the systems of biological organisms, designed for the old phase of development, they seem to be inadequate for this new phase and must re- pattern themselves.
Perhaps it is a matter of timing. Perhaps it was not possible to create harmonious societies on any large scale, beyond the relatively peaceful tribal communities, until we experienced the events of the last decades…..just as it is not possible for the fetus to get up and walk. Perhaps the great visions of new ways of being could not have been realized until we passed through the events we are still undergoing. And perhaps our preferred visions of a co-operative, selfless society could not come true until we had matured to the next stage of our evolution, the awakening process we are undergoing now.
For example, most of us were stuck in the belief of Newtonian physics. Perhaps we needed to understand what Quantum physics tells us; that all physical beings and objects come forth from one field of energy and subatomic particles; we are one energy and one matter. It is only our mind that creates the illusion of separateness, and the resulting fear and self-centeredness. On a physical level, if we examine ever more deeply into the nature of our physical existence we will discover, as scientists have, that in fact there is one field of energy and particles from which we are physically made. If we could see the subatomic particles that constitute our physical body and the physical environment in which it exists, we would not be able to distinguish between our bodies, the air around them and the other beings and objects surrounding us. It is all one implicate field of energy and matter. We are physically literally one with all around us.
Our goal cannot be to return to the past, nor can it be to move forward to a future that is more of the same. When we understand our evolutionary potential and awaken to our emerging social and spiritual capacities to fulfill an evolutionary change; society will be activated with excitement and hope as creative possibilities call forth potential. Many of us are seeing this now.
The profit centered, self-centered capitalism also fails as a worldview guide to us; we see the spread of poverty, damage to the environment, and massive power in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals and global corporations. Unconsciousness directed our collective actions in the past, often without our knowing consent.
I can think of no finer lens to see the world through than this current movement towards conscious evolution currently expanding on our horizon I see humanity moving towards a higher dimension of life itself. I believe in perfect timing for everything in the universe and that we are being guided towards a more just, peaceful, loving and regenerative world. A vital aspect of that vision are the selfless acts of feeding the hungry, healing the sick, stopping the violence, and freeing the world of poisonous toxins. The most direct path to fulfillment is the practice selflessness.
….Love and Light, Christina