The Power of Peace – is LOVE and UNITY

I would like to share with you some concepts which I consider extremely important for all to become aware of and employ in our lives in order to overcome this temporary economic, social, political, ethical and spiritual crisis. It has to do with our power to affect and bring peace and harmony to the world around us.
Stress in the collective consciousness not only fuels terrorism and war. It also breeds crime, economic instability, and governmental incoherence. Economic growth depends on the “investor climate,” “consumer confidence,” and other aspects of a nation’s collective consciousness. If the mood of society turns anxious and fearful, investor’s won’t invest, banks won’t lend, managers won’t spend, and consumers won’t buy. This is why, at the bottom of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.”
If, on the other hand, society’s mood becomes confident and optimistic, people at every level of society will make the positive decisions that drive economic growth. To a significant degree, the performance of the economy depends on the quality of collective consciousness. It is worth noting that strong economic growth also contributes to peace–by reducing the economic misery that leads to social unrest.
If a nation’s collective consciousness is stressed and disorderly, then the government will mirror that stress and incoherence in its decisions and actions. This explains why good people may be elected to office, but find they can’t achieve their announced goals. Government is a reflection of the nation’s collective consciousness. The population as a whole gets the government it deserves.
Life gives us, in every moment, exactly what we have created and chosen to experience in our evolutionary process. We benefit greatly when we can remember that and accept the past and present as it is, without bitterness, hurt, fear, anger or guilt. When we do not accept something that has happened or is occurring, we are literally saying “I do not trust in the wisdom, love and justice of the divine or the universe. I believe that a mistake has been made and that I am the victim of injustice or that I am guilty.”
We are also negating another important spiritual truth, which is that we are all responsible for all that happens to us personally. Others cannot create our reality and we cannot create theirs. Our feelings of bitterness, injustice, anger and hate are based on the illusion that others could cause something to happen to us, which we ourselves have not subconsciously created by our previous thoughts, words, actions and choices, or through our “soul choices.”
We have the free will to perceive every behavior, situation or event as the perfect opportunity to fine-tune our perceptions of ourselves, others and life. As souls in the evolutionary process, our minds are not yet perfected and we have much we can learn from the realities we are attracting and interpreting. The universe is benign and loving and reflects to us only the experiences that are useful to our growth process. Only through evolution can true and lasting happiness, satisfaction and peace be found.
Every event, every outcome, is an expression of love from the universe giving us an opportunity to use it to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for their ultimate purpose – discovering greater inner worth, security, freedom and fulfillment. Or we can sink into fear, discouragement, pain, bitterness, resentment, anger, guilt, hate or helplessness. This is our free will. The events have been created by our previous and present thoughts, words, acts in conjunction with the lessons we have chosen personally and collectively to learn at this point in our evolutionary process. But how we use and react to these events and situations is our free choice.
Our opportunities for growth and evolution come in doses that may stretch our “spiritual muscles” but not so much that they will damage them, unless we ourselves chose to ignore our inner power. When we want to increase the weight we can lift, there is no sense in lifting the same weights we have been lifting for years. We need to increase the weight, but not so much that we will break our backs trying. In the same way, we “choose” opportunities for growth that test our spiritual muscles, but always in
doses that we have the power to deal with. We will never be given a growth opportunity that is beyond our ability to deal with. We, however, have free will to access our inner power or to ignore it and feel weak and thus allow the event or situation to drag us into pain, fear, despair, depression and helplessness. Some of us after suffering or fearing at first, recoup and reconnect to their inner power and others do not. It is our choice.
By welcoming and trusting in the wisdom of all that has happened or is happening, we become reconciled with our past and present and let go of resistance, rejection, bitterness, anger and hate, all of which estrange us from life and the one creative power. Believing and trusting in the wisdom of the powers of creation allows us to align ourselves with them and thus manifest our ideal reality. This attitude of trust and acceptance also enables our feelings of inner power as it indicates that not only do we believe in the justice and wisdom of the universe, but also that we have faith in our own inner power and ability to deal with whatever may come. In this way, the energy we would ordinarily lose in fearing, resisting, complaining and rejecting what is happening becomes allocated to discovering inner powers and resources that we did not realized that we had, and probably would not have realized, without these opportunities.
There are periods in the life of every person when certain events and situations demand greater inner strength, courage, faith, stamina, energy, understanding, optimism, inner security, and self-confidence. These times may be of a personal, familial, social, political or even planetary nature.
Today, we -as a planet- are going through multiple crises in which many are being tested in myriad ways. Although each individual is being or will be affected to a different degree, we – as a planet- are passing through chaotic times concerning the economy, environment and peaceful stability.
It is very natural for us to feel concerned about our future when we see the economy struggling, people getting laid off, basic needs not being met, and anger building up in many sectors of society. You, as many others, might naturally be feeling pain, fear, anxiety, betrayal, anger and even hate towards those you believe are responsible for what has happened and is happening. These emotions, however, do not help us deal with such situations effectively. They disrupt and weaken our nervous, endocrine and immune systems compromising our health, vitality, clarity and ability to deal effectively with life’s pressures and demands. They also add negative energy to the collective consciousness.
During “chaotic times” we need to be very much in touch with our inner power and wisdom, so as to maintain our health, happiness, peace, love, and unity with our family and society. This is an opportune time to develop our inner wisdom, strength and guidance.
The essence of what we need to remember is that what is happening to us and/or around us is not a mistake or some kind of punishment. It is something that we have all chosen on a spiritual level as an opportunity to let go of old limiting beliefs, emotions and values and move forward in our emotional, mental, social, and spiritual development.
We have all together “chosen” on a spiritual level to create these times in order to give ourselves the opportunity to move forward individually and collectively. We have much to learn and much to gain by dealing positively with what is happening. Remember that when we use the words “chaotic times”, we are not only referring to the general economic, ethical, social, psychological, environmental and spiritual crisis that the planet seems to be going through but also to all personal or familial crises.
For many centuries spiritual leaders have taught us that we are one family and that the solution to all of our problems is to live in unity, peace, love and cooperation. Christ gave special emphasis to these values and encouraged his followers to think of God as their mutual Father and all persons as their brothers and sisters.
Although some efforts have been made in that direction, we are still quite far from a world in which all feel that they are brothers and sisters in the same family. This lack of unity has deep and widespread negative repercussions on all aspects of our lives. It creates a reality in which we care for ourselves and those we consider ours and are indifferent to what happens to all others. This is not an effective system, because whatever happens to anyone eventually has repercussions on us all. When others are
not happy, healthy and do not have enough to live respectfully, that in the long run, eventually negatively affects our personal reality.
Only in unity and cooperation can we create the systems of education, transportation, health and economics that ensure our well-being on this planet. Otherwise, humanity is like a body in which too much blood is moving to one part of the body and little or no blood to another area of the body. Both parts of the body suffer. When material wealth accumulates in one part of the world and not in others, it is only natural that we will have anger, hate and terrorism; especially when the rich continue to use the poor to get richer. This problem has become even more acute now because of television and Internet, because those who do not have can see how others live and experience even greater feelings of resentment. They wonder, “How can they have and waste so much when they see that we have nothing? How can they not help us?”
Only when all the cells in a body cooperate, share and work for the general good of the whole body can those cells themselves be well. The health of each cell depends on the health of the body and the health of the body on the cooperation and selflessness of each cell. If a cell decided to care only for itself and not perform its functions for the body, it would be considered cancerous and an enemy to the body. Only through unity and cooperation of all cells can the body be well and only when the body is well, can the cells receive what they need from it.
In the same way each human is like a cell in the body of humanity whose purpose is to seek what is simultaneously the highest good for him or her self and also the whole. The body of humanity will recover from its serious illness of alienation, discontent, war, poverty, famine, homelessness, drug abuse, and injustice when all humans realize that only by caring for the whole can we actually create what we personally need.
It all has to do with our circle of identification and circle of action. Each of us has a circle with which we identify and are interested in the wellness those in that circle. Some people’s circle does not even include their own selves. They do not care about themselves and do not care for their health or happiness. They are self-sabotaging or self-punishing.
Most people’s circle of identification includes their spouse, parents, children and siblings. Beyond that circle they are less interested in how others are faring; as we grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually, our circle expands to include fellow workers, people from the same area, race, country and religion and then beyond that to all beings regardless of nationality, race or religion. Eventually our circle of identification expands to include all animals, insects and plants – as expressions of divine consciousness – with which we are one.
Christ spoke about this in his parable about the man who would arrive in God’s presence and God would tell him, “You did not care for me when I was poor, without clothing, in jail or ill.” and the man would ask surprised. “when were you in any of those conditions?” And God answered, “Whenever any of my children was in those states, it was I.”
It is imperative that we realize that there is actually one divine consciousness in this universe and that it is expressing itself through all beings, including ourselves. The same divine consciousness that is at the center of our being is at the center of all other beings, regardless of religion, sex, race or nationality. Thus in reality every person we see is actually the divine itself expressing itself in through the unique form and personality of that being. The same is true for all beings; in fact, we all have one common divine source. That does mean not that these beings are aware of that fact or behave in accordance with their inner divine nature. They may be insensitive, greedy and violent. But in the center of their being, they are divine consciousness – the same one that is expressing itself through us.
Our circle of action is usually smaller than our circle of identification. There are groups of people we care about but are not willing to share our time, money and energy with. Our interest does not result in action, sharing or sacrifice. It is essential for our personal, social and planetary well-being that we expand our circle of interest and our circle of action. Only in this way, will we be able to create the material, emotional and spiritual abundance for all – that we all deserve.
This can happen only when we let go of political, national and religious differences and desire for all to have what they need. It is important to let go of our fear of those who belong to other religious and national groupings and realize that they too are our brothers and sisters here on this planetary spaceship moving through the universe. We need to care equally for all Americans, Iraqis, Iranians, Israelis, Palestinians, Somalians, Greeks, Turks, Christians, Moslems, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists. As souls we have no race, nationality, religion or gender. We are beyond all these. These are labels we wear for the duration of our life here on earth. We need to overcome these and care equally for all.
This oneness of our being has been verified on many levels. Spiritual teachings clearly indicate that there is one divine consciousness expressing itself through all beings. We are one spirit. On a physical level, if we examine ever more deeply into the nature of our physical existence we will discover, as scientists have, that in fact there is one field of energy and particles from which we are physically made. If we could see the subatomic particles that constitute our physical body and the physical environment in which it exists, we would not be able to distinguish between our bodies, the air around them and the other beings and objects surrounding us. It is all one implicate field of energy and matter. We are physically literally one with all around us.
When the individual human mind aligns itself through mediation, visualization or prayer with all the laws of nature at their source–in the unified field–such a mind gains the support of natural law. Every thought and action would then be supported by the infinite intelligence displayed throughout the universe; additionally when the individual human mind aligns itself with all the laws of nature at their source, such a mind gains alignment with the will of the divine.
Regardless of the chaos, in order to benefit from our conditions and situations, we need to welcome each and every event, situation and change in our life as an opportunity to discover even greater inner strength and wisdom. We need to believe in the wisdom of the universe, which brings us only what is the highest possible good for our happiness and life purpose.
We are all one energy and one matter. It is only our mind that creates the illusion of separateness, and the resulting fear and self-centeredness. We are all expressions of one divine consciousness and perceiving others in this way can only improve our lives emotionally materially and spiritually. This evolution in perception will then lead to behaviors that are more beneficial for the whole; behaviors that allow us to approach others and seek common solutions that benefit us all.
Cooperation between countries, religions, political systems and all varieties of people is the solution to all of our problems. I believe as a conscious collective, humanity can do this! May all be Blessed as we Journey Together in the Light Of Oneness.
…. Love and light, Christina
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