The Truth of Oneness … There is NO You and Me

This post is the first one in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
All is one energy – one consciousness. We all constitute one united field of energy and consciousness that appears as separate beings and objects. This is the truth of Oneness … There is no you and me. Therefore, when we purify our individual energetic vibratory frequency to that system, we change the whole system.
We are all connected through a collective unconscious, a morphogenetic field, a united causal body or a quantum zero-point field or one united universal consciousness. This means that we affect each other with every thought, word and action.
The question is how do we affect each other and how is our personal and common reality created?
Creating Reality Through Interpretation and Projection
We create our subjective reality by the way in which we interpret behaviors, situations and events. Unfortunately, most often we are not perceiving what is there, but actually perceiving what we have been programmed to believe is there. Our belief system works as a filter that subjectively and selectively interprets whatever is perceived. The interesting fact is, we perceive in ways that corroborate what we already believe and ignores what we do not.
For example, if we believe that others will reject us and do not love us, we will interpret their suggestions or other actions as a form of rejection. We then feel a lack of love for us even when that is simply not reality. We have all been surprised to discover that people have misinterpreted our actions, believing that we had motives and feelings that we never had.
On the flip side, we do the same thing. We project onto persons and situations motives and dangers that simply are not there. When we do so, we experience fear, pain, bitterness, creating unnecessary unhappiness for ourselves and others.
Sympathetic Vibration
The energy that flows through us constantly is in the form of vibrations. People who vibrate at the same frequency, vibrate toward each other (the law of attraction). In Science, this is known as sympathetic vibrations. For example, the happier a person is, the higher the frequency of their vibrations. The opposite is true as well; the more upset, sad, or angry a person is, the lower the frequency of their vibrations A vibration of one will attract and affect the other only if it is tuned to the same frequency. If it is tuned to another frequency it will likely not be stimulated.
Of course, in the same way, we are all affecting each other by the conscious and subconscious frequencies that we are emitting. We and others would not be affected if we did not have something within ourselves that is being stimulated by what is happening or being emitted by the other.
We Create the Stimulus – They Create Their Reality
It is important to clarify we are responsible only for our conscious and subconscious output in the past and present – but not for what actually happens to the other. That is their creation.
Our only power is purifying our own self and remove any negative energy affected or attracted through sympathetic vibration causing negative realities for ourselves and others. It is our responsibility to eliminate our own negative or lower vibrational frequencies so that we do not add to others’ reality in any way. In doing so, we are withdrawing and purifying our own input.
Of course, we are affected by others in the same way. When others’ vibrational frequencies stimulate movement in us, they are the stimulus but it is our own vibratory programming that causes us to be affected and create our own personal reality.
Imagine a World of Imperfect Mirrors
We live in an imperfect world and yet each of us is already perfect! A good example of this is those funny mirrors that distort the image before us. They may make us look fat, tall, thin, or short. These mirrors are distorting what they are reflecting. We are all mirrors that have certain distortions and do not reflect a totally pure image of what is there. Life and people around us reflect to us what we are but sometimes in distorted and unclear ways. The reality is that we are the image for others’ mirroring and they are the images for our mirroring. We and they have certain subjective qualities that prevent us from reflecting purely.
Understand that what is being reflected by others back to us is somehow a reflection of something in ourselves. It may not be pure, it may contain a great deal of their subjectivity, but we are the basis of the reflection. Something in ourselves is being reflected in people’s behaviors and events, even if that something appears to be distorted. When we clear this energy within us, our own reflection back to others is much less subjective. One day there is nothing more to reflect except love and purity.
We Are All One Spiritual Consciousness
Most religions teach that we are ultimately all one with the Divine and that in the divine we are one. St. John the Evangelist repeating quotes Christ as saying, “I am in you and you are in me and I am in the Father and Father is in me.” Eastern religions are even more emphatic in declaring that we are actually all expressions of one divine consciousness. We are one consciousness, which seems to have split into many, as does the light of the projector at the cinema. We are all projections on one divine consciousness, which is ultimately interacting with itself through our actions. Each of us are affecting the whole with every thought.
Imagine a pond into which each of us throwing his or her own personal pebble every second. The result will be a wave pattern formed by the interaction of all the waves created by our billions of personal pebbles. Assume that our pebbles are our present and past beliefs, emotions, words, actions and choices. We are all co-creators of that unique matrix pattern that we call reality. Not one centimeter of that matrix is free from our input. Our input is affecting the whole pattern. Not one human or event is free from our emotional energy, and thought input.
Now take a moment to imagine that we can raise the energetic vibrational field of all humanity! I believe we can. If we all actively participate in a process of purifying and evolving our ability to express our true spiritual nature. Using our free will power, we can purity the collective expression of all humanity.
It is 100% our responsibility to free ourselves from whatever is reflecting as our personal and collective reality. Understanding the truth of Oneness, and Unity from an energy point of view holds great benefits for all humanity and peace to the world we live in.
…. Love and Light, Christina
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