The Yellow Brick Road

Attention: Anyone who’s not in Kansas anymore….
I had an experience recently; an incident with a Bee and my finger…..ouch! I came to understand that the Bee might have been trying to tell me to simply BE.
I have had so many projects on the go and I found I was in my busyness and I was finding it hard to stay on my own Yellow Brick Road because I couldn’t stay out of the poppy fields or I found myself fighting flying monkeys.
We’ve all had times in our lives when we feel confused or need help staying on our true road to success…..BTW… many thanks to the friend that guided me….smiling.
I felt just like Dorothy and her friends who fell asleep in the poppy field, I was getting sidetracked from my desires, unconsciously repeating patterns of taking on too much and of course this caused me to have negative thoughts – feeling like I was in a constant battle with the flying monkey’s in my head, issues that just kept coming at me with a constant barrage of“what if’s”.
And I became so focused upon the tigers, lions, and bears of the “what if’s,” that it was hard to do what felt right for me. And then was the really scary part….when it feels like we must face the “Wicked Witch of the West” and all her questions (my inner critic) in order to obtain the freedom I desired. Well, she’s not really wicked but sometimes we simply don’t want to deal with her….I was too busy doing…instead of BEE’ing. Smiling.
Some of you may know that I was involved with animation and its art forms for a few years, often I use them as teaching tools. Anyway I reflected on this film and its messages.
For such times it is best to follow the advice that Glinda, the Good Witch of the North gave to Dorothy:
Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
But where is it and how do we stay on it?
Finding and staying on our path is not always easy…here are a few Key points for finding and following our own unique Road to Peace and Success.
• Strengthen your awareness of “no place like home. Know what you really want from life. Learn how to find a home within.
• Get out of Munchkin land and follow your own Yellow Brick Road. Change requires getting out of your comfort zone (mine was my busyness…remember the Bee) and take risks. By risks, I mean boldly follow the path that is your authentic life expression.
• Nurture your inner Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion. Discover and build on your strength of wisdom, compassion and courage to stay true to yourself.
• Stop going to sleep in poppy fields! Recognize and change the patterns that keep you stuck, distract you, or cause you to resist change.
• Win the battle with those pesky flying monkeys and the wicked witches. Overcome your fears and doubts that keep you from living and enjoying your best life. Transform negative thought patterns and old belief systems.
• Pay no attention to the “man behind the curtain” and unveil the illusion of needing a Wizard to provide answers. Learn what you seek is always inside of you and be (that Bee again) the authority for your own life.
So dear friends, be sure to click your ruby Slippers every once and a while to make sure you are still aligned with your authentic self and your path. Bless you all and I wish you much success on your journey.
…..Love and light, Christina