Tune in to Your Inner Feedback Loop

Our thoughts are an integral part of our humanness and play an essential role in determining our sense of peace and harmony. Did you know that as humans we have on average about 60,000 thoughts a day? The problem is that most of them are reoccurring thoughts. The same thoughts day in and day out!
The good news is that we all have a feedback loop that informs us whether the mind is peaceful, quiet, noisy, conflicted or disturbed. Our thoughts are beyond our conscious mind but they can assist us if we but pay attention to the feedback loop. A lot of our inner struggle and conflict happens when we avoid the negative thoughts. We all tend to do this to keep us from going into overwhelm because we are influenced by their content.
An important mental assignment is that we need to pay attention to our internal feedback loop. In order to reflect on the experiences that support the thoughts, we must take the puzzle apart and put it back together again in the right perspective.
We can use awareness and reflection as a tool to assist us. These two tools will help us move through the experience with ease and our negative thoughts will no longer be a burden for us.
Learn to view your thoughts as information packets, do not take them personally. Allow them to simply come and go as they will. These packets of information are energy. It is your focus that acts as the nucleus holding them in place. When you remove your focus, the nucleus dissipates. The information dissolves into space and time, back where it came from. The energy is once again free to be channeled into something more useful for you. It is the same energy that holds the thought packets that is able to manifest a new reality for you.
In very real ways we are drawn to experiences that teach us what we need to know. And the gift of the experience might be waiting on the threshold of your curiosity. We all encounter endless life experiences which create endless thought packets.
Our constant ceaseless efforts to engage in examining our thoughts involves a commitment to simply observe them. This is a never-ending practice of tuning into our inner self to the mysteries that surround us.
Let your thoughts just be thoughts, tune in and use your feedback loop to know when to simply let it be. It is not helpful to hold onto your thoughts, label them and remain focused on them. When you do this, you are choosing to interfere, manipulate or change the experience to one that suits you. You are trying to force an outcome, trying to direct the energy of the thought packet, by pulling it this way or that way.
The laws of energy say that what we focus on expands and it is your focus that is causing the thought to expand, sometimes out of control. Learn to let go of any patterns you have of holding onto thoughts by over-identifying with them.
It is important to remain neutral and not to interfere with your thoughts. See them as clouds simply passing overhead. Some of them are bright and airy like soft fluffy pillows; others are dark and heavily burdened. Just like the clouds, thoughts do not come to us with labels, we that do that. We might say oh what beautiful fluffy clouds, or it looks like it is going to rain.
If you label your thought packet as an unpleasant experience that caused you pain and suffering, the thought packet changes. The energy of the packet becomes bigger because you have given it more information. When your thoughts return to that experience the packet will also contain the labels you gave it and the emotions you associated with it.
Our thoughts are energy. When energy is bound to thoughts, it may take various forms related to the specific contents of our thought packets. It may take us down some dark and dangerous paths or they may take us on a path of peace and bliss. It is our choice, for without the context of time, place, and labels, and by removing our focus our thoughts become meaningless.
When you remain neutral, the reoccurring thought packets may feel like they are just a dance in your mind. As the observer you get to choose if you are interested or unwilling to dance with this partner.
The truth is that lasting peace will be achieved only when the mind itself has let go of its need to focus on and manipulate our thoughts. We must learn to reverse this process by paying attention to the feedback loop that is within all of us. This takes time, and such introspective reflection is the foundation of inner growth. You will find that you are on the right track when you realize that any and all labels and emotions lie within and not outside. The mind will not find the answers to living happy peaceful lives in the data, it is to be found in our perspective.
……Love and Light, Christina
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