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  • in reply to: How do I Get Over an Ex?


    Christina Reeves

    Senior Advisor

    Hi Emma,

    Great advise and tips too! Thanks for connecting to our Forum. Blessings and Love.

    in reply to: How do I Get Over an Ex?


    Christina Reeves

    Senior Advisor

    Hi Ladies,

    Hi Bella, I agree with Lena that this might still be an incomplete experience. It’s good to remember that we will continue to attract to us and be attracted to like energy. This is a law of physics, although some call it the law of attraction. There is something that you need to see or understand regarding why this happens Bella. Go back to the earliest memory of have of relationships, something between 0 and 7 years old and ask yourself what was it that you learned at that young age about relationships…were they good memories or dysfunctional ones. There is some belief you have adopted at this young age that is written on your wall that needs to be cleared. When you have healed this old childhood belief then your energy field will attract to you a new experience. We must become what it is we are seeking in the world. You might want to look in the arena of loving yourself more, feeling worthy and deserving of love. Hope this helps you. Please feel free to connect with us again if you have any questions, we are holding a loving space for you.

    in reply to: Meditation Tips for Beginners


    Christina Reeves

    Senior Advisor

    Hi Lena,

    This is a great technique. It feels almost as if you are coming out of a bubble of unending thoughts and back into the stillness of the light. It is always good to leave a space between the thoughts and not allow them to run together. Breath into the gaps between the thoughts until there are no more thoughts, simply and effortlessly the mind will become still. Enjoy the peace!

    in reply to: Meditation Tips for Beginners


    Christina Reeves

    Senior Advisor

    Hi Vinny, Thanks for connecting! Yes we can bring in the universal energy of all that exits. We need to do this … to build up our life force energy through our breath….it is very important to use these breathing techniques.

    in reply to: Meditation Tips for Beginners


    Christina Reeves

    Senior Advisor

    Hi Zach, Great post! Meditation takes patience and practice. Sometimes it’s best to begin with 10 minutes or so and increase your practice over time. I have been meditating for over 20 years and the best advice I can give to beginners is to simply close your eyes and begin by focusing on any tension you feel in your body and relax any parts of the body where you feel stress of anxiety. Once we have done this be still and watch your thoughts, just watch them passing through your mind without adding any more thoughts. Watch them as if they are clouds of energy moving, allowing them to pass from right to left in your inner vision. At first there may be lots of thoughts, but if we give them no attention they will just continue to roll and eventually they will dissipate altogether. After sometime you will notice that the thoughts will have longer gaps between them, focus deeply on the gaps which is pure consciousness. What we focus on expands as far as energy is concerned. So focus on the gaps and not the thoughts. Consider it as sort of a mind dump, where we can simply let go of the thoughts. There is nothing to “do” in a meditation but remain in our stillness without thoughts. It will feel amazingly refreshing and you will feel revitalized when you open your eyes.

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