We are nonstop creators; we give everything a story and meaning. We create something out of nothing; we cannot bear to live with the unknown. But take a second to imagine giving nothing a story or a label. Take a moment to quiet the mind and look at everything like it’s the first time, with pure eyes, you will see it for what it is, which is simply as it is.
In this expansive quiet place, you only have awareness of the presence of life. By letting it be … Just “be?” No, we can’t do that, we like to make things interesting. So, we make up more beliefs, create more and more and we expand our thoughts … But to where?
Feelings come and go … everything does, nothing lasts. You can be so sure about a thought and then be completely unsure about it the next day. What’s real and what’s not real? You see there’s no “real” answer. Life is a mystery and that’s it. It’s impossible to be sure of anything. In other words, nothing is really what it seems. Perhaps, we’ve looked at the world for so long that we no longer challenge its reality.
But I know one thing that is, LOVE. It’s our true nature. How? Because hate and fear are created over time but when you quiet the mind, love is all you feel. Love not just from anyone, but love from everything. In whatever form it takes, life sings LOVE because it is the song and vibration of the entire universe. The true meaning of LIFE is in the vibration and the lyrics of LOVE. The fact that love is the most significant thing out there is the biggest magic of it all.
….Love and Light, Christina
Recommended Reading: Chapter Three, Awareness is the Compass, of our book, The Mind is the Map