What is Currently Happening in Our World is 100% Our Responsibility

This post is the second in a series of three relating to understanding the concept of Oneness.
This concept of responsibility is quite difficult for most of us to digest. Can we take responsibility for other people’s irresponsible or unethical actions? How can we be responsible for those who are abusing women and children or killing innocent persons or wherever else? Are we to take responsibility for terrorist acts around the world? Such reactions naturally come to mind when we are asked to believe and employ this revolutionary system.
How can we be responsible for what “we” have not done and for what we would “probably” would never do? Doesn’t it seem unreasonable that we would be responsible for what others are doing on the other side of the world? Are we responsible for actions perpetuated by leaders that we never voted for, do not agree with and even condemn?
This seems to be irreconcilable. So, how do we reconcile this? The truth is that each of us in the exclusive creator of his or her reality and that others do not create our reality and we do not create theirs. Let’s go deeper in our understanding why we are 100% responsible.
Our Collective Unconscious
We have many common emotions, beliefs and modes of functioning as hypothesized by Carl Jung in his theory of the Collective Unconscious. We share many programming’s, fears, emotions and desires. It may just be that we are all affected by each other’s subconscious. Many experiments today indicate that we can are affected by what others are feeling, even though consciously we are not aware of what is happening. This is especially true of people with who are closely emotionally bound.
Psychologists are also aware of the “connected container effect”, in which people are like two containers with water connected by a pipe at their base. When we suppress the water in one container, it will rise in the other. It is well known that in a martial or family situation, one person’s suppressed emotions are communicated and often expressed by other members. Whatever we do to our own “water system” will affect the others who are connected to us in this way. We are affecting others by our invisible emotional connections to them.
Social Paradigms
We are also affected by and participate in the common social paradigms in which we are born and raised. When we accept and limit our perceptions to these paradigms, we are augmenting them for everyone else. Therefore, we are supporting others’ belief systems by allowing ourselves to be limited by those belief systems. If we believe that those who are different from us (race, religion, social class) are a danger to us, then we are co creating that reality. For example, the belief there is not enough for all of us, is in fact co creating that reality. Many believe that life is difficult and people are not to be trusted, thus, we are co-creating those realities those with whom we interact.
Our Common Morphogenetic Field
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of the morphogenetic field adds a biological dimension to this. He believes that our bodies and minds get their information from a common pool of knowledge. This knowledge and tendencies exist in a field commonly accessible to us all. This works for all emotions, beliefs and behaviors, negative and positive. We are co-responsible for everything that is happening by remaining in our old unenlightened beliefs. These old behaviors affect all others through this shared field. The good news is that our positive changes work towards the energy field in the same way. For example, when any one of us makes a change in lifestyle, emotions, ways of thinking, those affect to some small degree the consistency of our commonly shared field. This creates new ways of thinking or reacting more available and more possible to all others sharing that field.
Our Personal Causal Body
Philosophical systems teach that we each have a personal “causal body” where all of our soul memories and tendencies, qualities and abilities are stored. Of course, along with them is all of our fears and other emotions. In addition, all of our positive and negative tendencies are stored there. These affect, but do not exclusively determine, most major events of our lives. We are attracting realities that to a great degree are formed by the content of our causal body. This does not, however, create an ironclad fate. Because in each moment we are adding and removing qualities from that causal field when we change the way we perceive, think, act and react.
When we act from a place of awareness, we are changing the content of our conscious and subconscious minds as well as our causal body. In addition, with the use of Energy Psychology methods such as EFT, we can transform all tendencies in our causal bodies, that might be contributing to what we are perceiving and being affected by. The energy can be removed and dissolved once again into pure consciousness – which is what they ultimately are.
Universal Consciousness
All thoughts, emotions, memories, actions and reactions as well as all physical objects and beings and the interactions between them are simply manifestations of one universal consciousness. This is similar to the fact that all images on the movie or TV screen are temporary manifestations of one white light that only temporarily takes these forms.
The white light of the TV, when nothing is playing, is the like the zero point from which all appears and re-dissolves. With the use of Energy Psychology techniques such as EFT, we can dissolve all tendencies that might be contributing to what we are witnessing, back into their real nature, which is white undifferentiated light.
Our Common Causal Body
Similar to the morphogenetic field, we all share a common universal causal body. There is a causal body for each species of animals and plant and one for all men and one for all women and one for all humans and one for the planet itself.
This common causal body includes all of our shared tendencies that affect humanity and the planet as a whole. Therefore, when we get free from anger, fear or guilt, we make those tendencies less available in the shared causal body. Love, understanding, responsibility and peace then become more available.
Beyond Time and Space
We need to let go of the concepts of space and time. Quantum physics explains to us that time and space, are not real but a matter of perception. We are forced to abandon these old concepts when we seek to explain the facts. For example, in laboratories in the USA one particle can appear in more than one place at the same moment. In one experiment a particle appeared in 3000 places simultaneously. It has been discovered that if we alter the state of one particle, that another particle with which it seems to have a “relationship” is affected simultaneously thousands of miles away.
All matter – including our bodies and all that we know are actually, at some level, one united field. This is what is called the “implicate order” or “zero state field”. All objects large and small exist in this state together until they manifest in the “explicate order” that we experience in time, space and separation.
In this field, there is no time or space. I am you and you are me. We are all 100% responsible; we all ONE and ALL is Potential.
…. Love and Light, Christina
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