Why We Cannot “THINK” Our Way Out of Our Problems

Einstein once said, “The same mind that created the problem will never be the mind that is able to solve it.”
Try as you might, you cannot think your way out of your behavior problems. They are a product of your programmed habitual behaviors based on your perceptions of reality. In order to improve your reality, you must understand the mechanisms of its creation. As you continually try to experience the world within and around you, you are creating your own reality by the choices and actions you make.
What You See is Not in the Data.
We all experience life through our own perceptions and our interpretation of the data. Perception is your belief. When you truly believe in a perception, your subconscious mind sees it as the one and only reality, ignoring all other possibilities. This is true even if your database is skewed by old data that is not even something you believe in. Your subconscious mind will dutifully generate habitual behavior patterns that are coherent with those programmed “truths.” The problem is that most of these actions and choices we make are habitual responses to old data.
Our Mind has a Host of Programmed Perceptions
It is your perceptions that directly shape the biology, behavior, and character of your life. You have no individual personality or identity until after you are born. There is no built-in mental content when we are born. From 0 to 7 years old, it is the environment that shapes your individual mind and experiences. Each new experience serves as a stage of growth. This expansion of possibilities and gathering new knowledge is what forms your human traits, personality, and character. Your identity is defined entirely by your childhood experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world.
The Writing on Our Walls
As time passes, you will receive even more messages from your environment. This additional programming comes to us through words, behavior towards your self, behaviors between others as well as personal and social events. The mind interprets these events and messages and expands your “conscious and subconscious belief system”. This is what we refer to as the Writing on Our Walls. The writing on your wall becomes the looking glass through which you perceive the world. Everything is colored by your beliefs and often, they are only childhood conclusions, of some long-ago experience.
This Does Not Mean That YOU Cannot Change Your Mind
Many of us fail in our attempts to change our behavior because our basic beliefs are not in alignment or congruent with the new reality we wish to create. What you need to do is REALITY check them. Where did they come from? Are they true for you or are they someone else’s beliefs? Are they related to some childhood conclusions you came to from some old experience? The good news is that You can initiate change through mindful processes such as self-discovery, awareness and self-realization. Learning to identify and work with your beliefs and habitual patterns is the key to transforming them.
These 9 Simple Questions Can Launch a Process of Transformation:
Where am I making limited decisions?
What do I believe about the experience that keeps limiting me?
Am I acting on old childhood conclusions or childhood survival skills that are no longer helpful?
What is it from my past that keeps influencing my present?
How do my past experiences keep creating my automatic modes of reactions and behavior?
What do I believe about myself, others or life itself?
Did I intentionally choose those beliefs or was I just following opinions and ideas of others?
What beliefs do I need to transform to change my habitual behavior patterns and bring more happiness in my life?
How might I overcome the pre-conceived experiences of my mind’s programming and take full responsibility for my own thoughts and feelings?
Create Your New Reality
Each of us gets hooked in habitual ways of seeing the world, but how we respond to these situations will in a large part determine how much peace and freedom we experience in our lives.
Sometimes it is difficult to see your patterns of behavior. The mind that created the behavior pattern will always rally to defend your current belief system. One thing you can do is journal your responses to these questions. Connect with others and share your experience. Discuss openly your findings and practice active listening to what others have to say.
Remember that there is no right or wrong, we all do what we do based on the writing on our wall. No shame, No Blame!
Create a new reality and live a happier, healthier, more harmonious reality.
…..Love and Light Christina
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