Emotions move us forward into our future; leave us stuck in place or drive us back to our past. A mind that is not aware and conscious leaves us swimming in our emotions. Your emotions are trying to tell you something, they are not intended to make you happy. Emotions are not what we think we know intellectually; they are what we know experientially.
We all get triggered by our unique experiences and it is these triggers set off or emotions. Emotions stem from the sub-conscious mind and are usually rooted from our childhood belief systems. Today, even now as adults, this writing on our wall from childhood still remains with us. Our view of seeing the world is based on our childhood experiences.
Many of us, have been conditioned not to feel things fully. For example: as a child, if we were happy or even exuberant about something, we were told to keep it down, don’t laugh so loud, stop making so much noise etc. When we are not allowed to truly feel and express our essential self, this caused us to shut down feeling things fully. This creates a separation from who we are to who we were conditioned to be. Consequently, many people, are unable to get in touch with or name their emotions and still others are not good at feeling anything at all.
Making Feeling Level Decisions from Childhood Experiences
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We are energy beings, able to read the energy of other beings even from birth. The beliefs we formed were often pre-verbal feeling level decisions that we made as children. Often, they are hidden beliefs that seem normal to us, but are in fact they are illusions. The conditioning for our beliefs is formed by well meaning others writing on our wall when we were children. This programming remains with us into adulthood becoming our human operating system similar to an operating system on a computer.
Now that we are adults, the writing on the wall needs to be identified and reality tested for what you believe as an adult. The old beliefs, the ones that no long serve you, must be erased and replaced bringing them into alignment with your current beliefs. The consequences of not doing this inner work, means your inner 2 or 3-year-old is still running your emotional life!
Emotion is Energy in Motion
Feelings are what you know experientially and not to be confused with your emotions. Emotions are what you do with what you know. Everything in the Universe is energy and when energy moves it causes an effect. If you do not have clarity of a feeling and set a purpose or intention for your emotional life will become difficult for you. When you have an emotional response to an experience then choice becomes all important. The practice of mindfulness is about choosing an appropriate emotional reaction to your feelings.
Listen UP! … Your Feelings are Trying to Inform You
You will serve yourself better if you listen to your feelings – not with your intellect, because that’s just data that resides in your mind. Data is not a feeling it’s only information and the stories you tell yourself. For instance, if you rely on your data to make decisions based upon what you think you know, you will make one kind of decision. However, if you listen to your feelings, you will very often make a different choice.
Fear is a good example of a decision we make with our mind as apposed to love is a feeling of our being at a soul level. The messages that you receive with utmost clarity will come to you only when you consciously become aware and bypass all the data and considerations of your EGO. Take your feelings to your heart, for it is here that you are able to experience from your essential being and make great choices in life.
Thoughts and Mind are NOT the Same
Thoughts are things, energy in motion again. They are also actions. The moment you have a thought you have created an action. Just like the spoken word is a thing, the moment you speak you have created an action. Thoughts and words are creative actions just as a deed is an action, they are all energies at the level of creation.
Each creation you make, whether word, thought or deed holds your own particular frequency resonance made of physical energy. The problem is that some people are creating with conscious awareness and others continue to create unconsciously. To life a conscious life is to become aware of your own thoughts, actions and deeds.
Thinking is Energy in Motion
We were taught in school, the simple law of physics that states ‘like energy always attracts like energy.’ So, if this is true then we know that our negative thoughts will absolutely draw to our life more of the same negative experiences. We have also heard the saying, “be careful what you think.” You might be saying to yourself about now, “OK, if thought is a creation and if I change my thinking why don’t I see the effect of that change working in my life?” This is a great question!
It is not enough to want, to intend or to simply use your will power to change your thought. The basis for these thoughts is your belief system. The change must take place where the belief resides, which is the writing on your wall.
Resistance to Feeling Emotions
The first supporting thought you ever had on any issue will always be based on an early belief system. Operating on this level means you may have resistance to fully feeling your emotions. A major obstacle of not fully feeling your emotions causes you to continue to create the same experiences over and over again, in turn, recreating the same outcome as before.
Another obstacle to resisting feelings is looking for ourselves where we are not. We tend to look outside of ourselves to others for self worth and validation of who we are. This causes a feeling of being separate or isolation from others.
Still another way we avoid feeling emotions is that we try to force outcomes using manipulative behaviors to get our needs or expectations met by things or people outside of ourselves. And of course, when our expectations or needs do not get met, we blame others or life itself for our reality.
Wisdom is Always Found in the Present Moment
Feeling things fully is always done in present time, without analysis and without reviewing your past or looking to your future. We live life by chance or by choice. When you live life by choice you are living consciously in your present moment. If you live your life by chance you are creating your life by a series of unconscious reactions. Living by choice fully aligns you with your essential self; and you make choices from a place of awareness. This means, that you are not searching your data bank for answers as this is futile. Instead, you seek your answers from your essential self by feeling things fully and taking your feelings through your heart. In essence, your essential self creates and your mind simply reacts. It helps to remember that Wisdom is always found in the Present Moment, not in the past and not in the future.
… Love and Light, Christina
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