Happiness is Your Response-Ability

Creating happiness is not a matter of seeking to control all the experiences which come our way. It is a matter of how we choose to respond to our experiences in life. It is our responsibility to respond well. Emotions such as such fear and anxiety destroy our peace of mind, our happiness, our relationships and our effective mental functioning.
When triggered, our auto response human mechanisms kick in much like a computer running a software program. These various experiences pass through our belief system in an attempt to identify and evaluate what is happening. The mind checks for our past experiences, and the beliefs which have been created from them. For example, is this “a good or a bad experience?” Is it “a positive or a negative experience?” It tries to determine what is happening, what has happened or might happen. It also informs us in relation to, “is this reassuring or threatening to our well being?”.
Top Ten Reasons Why Relationships Deteriorate

The Ability to Effective Communication is Lacking
To be clear, we have not been educated in how to communicate openly and honestly. An “I” message is a form of communication in which we effectively express to someone what is happening inside of us. In this way we help the other to understand us and our feelings, needs, thoughts and actions.
We often communicate with others making “you” statements. For example, we accuse the other of being wrong, evil or unacceptable. When we do this, he feels hurt, rejected, endangered and angry. Thus, we put him on the defensive. Most often, his habitual reaction is that he stops hearing what we are saying. He feels the need to protect himself. It’s very unlikely, that when we communicate with someone in this way, we able to create an open, loving, supporting relationship.
The Call for Change is Ever Present in the Evolutionary Process.

Dimitrios Spanos: Of course, we need only look at ancient history to see that the evolutionary process is always a call for change. Walking in the ancient Greek Agora allowed me to feel the essence of past times. I envisioned, the old Athenians interacting and conducting business. I imagined, listening to the words of great philosophers speaking. For example, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle speaking about the mind and the heart. And of course, Pericles addressing his fellow Athenians asking them to respect each other. And I pondered on the great works of Homer while remembering the Sappho’s poetry.
Birthing the Concept of Democracy
In ancient Athens, the Agora was an open area serving as a meeting place for its citizens. Located in the middle of the city, the agora was not only a place of trading. It was also a center of philosophical, political and justice matters. Over two and half thousand years ago. the Athenians gathered at the agora to give birth to the concept of democracy and unity, undoubtedly seeking higher levels of consciousness.
The Child of the Universe

On my personal journey, in the beginning, I knew little past the writing on my walls and my decisions and choices in life were a reflection of my own making within my own mind. While I’ve always had a lot of faith, I knew little of religion, belief, and philosophy other than what I had read and studied of others works. Then one day, I had an experience, what seemed like in hindsight a sort of loss of consciousness.
I entered a deep meditation, it felt like a disappearing and vanishing of everything I thought I had understood. This included myself, as the one aware and yet awareness continued. The nature of that awareness was pure and untouched by space, time and everything external. I was in a state of absolute bliss, a time when even I, as the experiencer did not exist. It was so sublime that even words did not exist to describe the fulfillment of my heart’s desire. I only felt fullness, completion, bliss and LOVE.
Collective Consciousness is a Mental Symphony… Tune Up!

We, as the collective consciousness upon the earth, are like members of a great universal orchestra. Each of us have our part to play. The harmony of the universal piece (called life), we are playing depends on two basic requirements from each member of the orchestra. Each of us must first know our part, and, secondly, must be capable of playing it. All other life forms in nature know automatically their parts and play them with the help of the cosmic conductor called Nature or God.
As the most advanced aspect of nature, we have a unique quality called free will. Many of us have separated ourselves from nature and its laws. The gift of free will means that we have the choice to play our part or not. Along with this gift, we also have the responsibility to develop the inner qualities necessary to play our part.
In present time we may say that the Earth Symphony Orchestra is considerably off key and it’s sound is quite discordant. We’re each playing our own song, each trying to sing, or play louder than the others. The result is competition, aggression, strikes, violence, famine, poverty and war. This is happening because few have found their real part in this symphony. Out of discontent, many are competing rather than cooperating with the others. (more…)
Set Your RAS… “Tune In” to Your Antenna

“The way to do whatever you want to do already exists. You just need to tune into it.”
If you are going to change your habits and your beliefs, you’re going to have to do it where they reside, in the subconscious mind. Until we relay the order to our subconscious mind, nothing will happen. Setting goals is a conscious exercise; achieving goals is a subconscious exercise. So, why do we set goals and don’t reach them? It is because 95% of all your behaviors and perceptions are automatic, and you need to tune in!
“The Antenna” is my metaphorical name for the part of our brains called the Reticular Formation, sometimes known as the RAS. It is a marble sized piece of “grey matter” that is responsible for filtering the massive amount of sensory input. It has a way of bringing to our awareness only that part which we deem important. This antenna is a gift that we usually take for granted. Fortunately, the appropriate use of affirmations, goals and daydreaming serves to orient our Antenna so that we begin to “tune in.”
Your Most Fearsome Enemy is Unseen

Within each of us there is a quiet inner presence, a gentle encouraging, and empowering voice that always guides you. There is however, another voice within each of us, a louder one that is often a critical voice, complete with unrelenting frustration, impracticality and unrealistic hope. Don’t get them confused.
We all have experiences with the unseen enemy within. We might feel depressed, self-loathing, self-rejection, lack of confidence or motivation. These are all by-products of our inner villain and they are the root cause of our own failures and downfalls.
The critical voice often defeats you before you start, it is poised and ready to rob you of any credit for anything you do. It makes you afraid of trying anything new because you fear the loathing and regret that will follow. The solution is to become aware of this monster, understand its motives and manipulations and transform its demoralizing voice.
Arguments… The Spiral of Misunderstandings

“Many arguments, especially with people we love, are birthed from simple misunderstandings that are blown out of proportion. If you really want to understand someone, free yourself from your ego.”
Arguments are a Breeding Ground for Discontent
Our day to day human interactions rely upon our ability to see things clearly, however we all see things from our own unique perspective! Therefore, we get triggered when someone disagrees with us and we often come to inaccurate conclusions about the others. Of course, this is when we find ourselves in a breeding ground for discontent. We become entangled in arguments.
Everyday we make judgments about the people around us. Often without conscious deliberation, we quickly make observations that lead to exaggerated assumptions about their thoughts, desires and behaviors. Many times, these assumptions are projections based upon our own beliefs. In reality, what we most often assume comes from the way we see things and has nothing to do with the other!
Living the Light is Living an Inspired Life

We have all heard the phrase “get in the Spirit” or “Team Spirit”; the deeper, unseen essence of these phrases is vital to living an Inspired Life. Spirit refers to our Life Force Energy, it is the aliveness that never changes. In fact, it is a constancy that is vital and that expresses our alignment with the source of all that exits.
When disconnected from our life force energy we lose our spirit and we disconnect from living an inspired life. When we lose those qualities that we define as spiritual, we lack a sense of unity, we lose love and self-respect and we become less tolerant, selfish and we lack compassion for self and others. (more…)
Live an Extraordinary Life

The difference between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life is only a matter of perspective. Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you can start.
Change can enter our lives silently and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift, we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner actually is helping out around the house more.
We may even wonder whether all of our hard work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. This doesn’t mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change—they do. It’s just that they are one small part of the picture that finally results in the softening of our hearts.