The Core Principles of The Mind is the Map
These are the core values that form the foundation of our philosophy and teachings. We’ve dedicated our book and our entire book website to providing resources and inspirational content to those seeking a more fulfilled life. For each category below, you’ll find two links to explore that category more.
Our Community Forum
By clicking ‘Join Forum’, you can browse our forum and read through topic discussions related to each category below. You can participate in the conversation by joining our community group here.
Our Author’s Blog
The ‘Browse Articles’ button will take you directly to our Author’s Blog for that category. Our blog is full of hundreds of inspirational stories and articles written by Christina Reeves and Dimitrios Spanos, the authors of the book “The Mind is the Map”.

Emotional Intelligence
Observing our emotions is as important as observing our thoughts. We can free ourselves from the pain of negative emotions by no longer identifying who we are or think we are from the mind or the Ego. Emotional Intelligence is feeling, knowing, and understanding our emotions and making choices. It is what makes us tick. Cultivating Emotional Intelligence is one of the most powerful ways to transform our life, become consciously aware of our beliefs, and feelings about our self.

The Writing on Our Wall
Whose is the voice you listen to most in a day? Our partner’s? Our boss’? NO … it is our own voice and critical as it may seem sometimes, it is trying to help us by telling us what is written on our wall. It’s all there — everything we HOLD to be true, even if it’s NOT THE TRUTH —- it’s written on our walls. This voice of our Ego is a major cause of our suffering. It is the not the voice of the true self.Through the practice of monitoring the inner voice we learn to recognize and experience ourselves more directly, coming to know more and more intimately why we do what we do or think what we think.

Creating Our Best Life
We believe that humans have one basic motive, which is the tendency to self-actualize – i.e. to fulfill one’s potential and achieve the highest level of ‘human-being-ness’ we can. Like a flower that will grow to its full potential if the conditions are right, but which is constrained by its environment, so people will flourish and reach their potential if the foundation they have created for themselves is good and strong enough. Together we set the foundation and guidelines towards better and stronger relationships.

Present Moment, Peace, & Stillness
Imagine how your life would be if you accepted every moment of your life as the absolute perfection that it is. Imagine if you stopped wishing any moment were different than what it is right now. “Living in the present means slowing down, allowing each moment to be enhanced by focusing on our breath, our energy, our senses and our consciousness. To Live Lightly, we must learn to live in the present moment and to accept things as they are.

Personal Empowerment, Motivation & Self Discovery
Empowerment comes from knowing our strengths, living our truth and always choosing to be free and unrestricted in our personal expression. We empower ourselves by affirming our lives, knowing we have a place in the universe and we do make a difference. Once we begin the journey of self-discovery, we never turn back. We cannot “unknow” something we have discovered. We embark on a mission to find our authentic self and create a new map of our mind. The previous programming of the mind becomes obsolete and soon we begin to open the door to our destiny.

Love and Relationships
Our desire to love and be loved is deeply imprinted within us. Keeping the gift of love flowing requires making deposits into the love bank. We need to spend this wealth (love) to all those around us and further within our communities and out into our world so we can all live in peace and freedom; so that we can all live open, loving, and joyful lives. Asking the simple question, “What would love do now?” Loving someone is one of the greatest pleasures in life and being in love, one the greatest gifts.

Life Force Energy
Life Force Energy is exactly what it sounds like. It is the Universal Energy that gives life to all things. Our thoughts are energy and give rise to our emotions, which in turn are simply energy in motion like invisible clouds hovering above and around our physical body. Life Force Energy enters our body through our breath and flows through the acupuncture meridians and vitalizes the organs and tissues.

Happiness, Joy & Bliss
Our purpose in life is to find happiness and make the best of our life. The truth is that lasting happiness will be only be achieved when the mind itself has let go of its need to find external sources of happiness. We must learn how to reverse this process and discover the happiness of within. Happiness needs to be approached with an attitude, a feeling of celebration, a way of looking at the world with a predominant sense of wellbeing and an airborne quality of living.

Values & Virtues
The wisdom tribute, “know thyself” requires that we examine our life, check our limited beliefs and develop the willingness of rebirth to our higher human self. Instead we live in a state of separation that has permeated our current culture because we have been carefully trained since childhood in the ways of I, me and mine. Our message to the world is simple; our thinking must be oriented to truth, our feeling towards the beautiful and our actions towards the good. All three require a genuine resolution of opposites and opening our soul’s beauty to invite contemplation to the whole world of divinity and agape.

Emotions help us know what is important in “mature judgment” as well as ethical decision-making. They tell us where we stand, who we can trust, who to push away, and who to embrace. They also remind us to take care of ourselves and fuel both resistance and innovation. Observing emotions such as Anxiety, Anger, Fear, Disappointment, Grief, Nervousness, Stress, Sadness is as important as observing our thoughts. We can free ourselves from the pain of negative emotions by no longer identifying who we are or think we are from the mind or the Ego.

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard Shaw. Knowing your purpose in life, will make all the difference in the world. We must always remember that within us lies the potential to create the best story of our life. The key to this is our ability to maintain fluidity and flexibility. We are here to discuss a new emerging model for Leadership and innovating new business models, one’s offering solutions that are aligned with consciousness and right actions, including concerns that are now emerging on a global scale.

EVERYTHING IS changing. There is an awakening happening now and people are changing the way they view their lives and the world around them. It is a time for a deep reflection in our understanding of the nature of humanity. The practice of Emotional Intelligence is bringing our minds, hearts and souls into alignment and joins people together in a synergistic manner. This shift in consciousness originates with the discovery of our own true and perfect nature. It begins with knowing ourselves and exercising the right action and choices guiding our Life towards a higher level of consciousness.

Bravo Millennial’s! You are learning that Awareness and Emotional Intelligence can and will transform our world! Not only are they aligning themselves to succeed in every area of life, they are constantly shifting their energy to experience the world more intimately and thoroughly. We see a shift from ME to WE mentality. Co-operation and co-creating is the new model and this is happening now on a global scale. There is a rise in Unity Consciousness, one that embraces kindness, compassion, empathy, sharing, serving, giving hands, and embracing diversity.

Our book was written to provoke thought and present a new way of looking at things. It is in this spirit that we invite you to join our community to discuss the book and which parts had the biggest affect on you. We’d like to foster a community of growth and mutual support, so if you want to be around like-minded people, join the discussion today! Our aim to offer a wide range of high quality personal self-help tools and business development techniques through our on-line forums, while at the same time provide excellent support and service; helping others to help themselves is our priority.